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Any Diaper Folds


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If you'd like to continue this rediculous diatribe, you go right ahead... maybe Ann would like to listen... Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn and I really doubt few others do....

I'm sorry, but this thread only became ridiculous when you joined in, Sue. Please do take a break.

I don't know if it's a diaper fold or not, Ric, but it's purdy. And you sure have some nice ones (I particularly like the red slag you posted earlier).

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The German banded opaques and banded transparents are handmade marbles. I have never heard that term used for machine made marbles. In the machine made world, it is "striped" opaques and "striped" transparents, not banded. Good grief...................

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Thanks Cat... I think we have a few here who have forgotten to take their meds.... :wacko:

I'd like to engage you in intellectual intercourse, but frankly I find you unprepared.

If I thought that was your own quote, I'd almost be impressed!!

I'm sorry, but this thread only became ridiculous when you joined in, Sue. Please do take a break.

Ann... First, you say definition is important, after I say it isn't always... Then, that my first mentioning it was ridiculous and I should take a break??

Excuse me??

Is there a point to all of this? Or are we just being difficult?

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I dunno.........???

I think this is one of the best high-jacked threads to come along in a long time.

I agree ! Scoop...go make dinner !

Sturtz...I'm sorry they threw the engine outta your car in the furnace !

Or....was it the rear end ???

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I dunno.........???

I think this is one of the best high-jacked threads to come along in a long time.

I agree ! Scoop...go make dinner !

Sturtz...I'm sorry they threw the engine outta your car in the furnace !

Or....was it the rear end ???

i am sorry but this might be the funniest post i have ever read!!!!!

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The German banded opaques and banded transparents are handmade marbles. I have never heard that term used for machine made marbles. In the machine made world, it is "striped" opaques and "striped" transparents, not banded. Good grief...................

So they did make striped opaques? Does bermar's diaper fold look like it might be one?

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Thanks Cat... I think we have a few here who have forgotten to take their meds.... :wacko:

Is there a point to all of this? Or are we just being difficult?

Sue, I'm not the one talking about people not taking their meds, or being "assholian," or suffering from OCD, or telling another member of this forum to JUST SHUT UP in very large capital letters (which has since disappeared from this thread), or -- wait -- you're right. There's no point in this. You're just being difficult.

Now I understand why regular posters here get really cranky after a while. Consider me cranked.

Got any diaper folds?

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So they did make striped opaques? Does bermar's diaper fold look like it might be one?

I will have to go back and look for Burt's mib, but the german striped opaques that I have seen are very bright and colorful. Also called "circus". Very nice and vibrant colors. And they can fetch a pretty penny. May do a search on Lizzy's board for them.

FWIW, the diaper fold term is not something I use personally.

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Sue, I'm not the one talking about people not taking their meds, or being "assholian," or suffering from OCD, or telling another member of this forum to JUST SHUT UP in very large capital letters (which has since disappeared from this thread), or -- wait -- you're right. There's no point in this. You're just being difficult.

Now I understand why regular posters here get really cranky after a while. Consider me cranked.

Got any diaper folds?

I apologize to you, Ann.... I have a few folks who have been chewing my heels in this thread, for past and current issues (both on the thread and in PM's about the thread)... In each case of my responding to them, you have jumped in to insult, without knowing the reason for my actions... Again, I apologize for striking back at you. When someone is obviously upset about something (That really has NOTHING to do with you...) you might expect a trite answer for calling them out.

I think this is a diaperfold... I don't have a photo showing a side view and I'm not sure where it is at the moment... But, I'm pretty sure it has only one seam...


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I apologize to you, Ann.... I have a few folks who have been chewing my heels in this thread, for past and current issues (both on the thread and in PM's about the thread)... In each case of my responding to them, you have jumped in to insult, without knowing the reason for my actions... Again, I apologize for striking back at you. When someone is obviously upset about something (That really has NOTHING to do with you...) you might expect a trite answer for calling them out.


I accept your apology, deny that I've jumped in to insult anyone, and confirm that it annoys the heck out of me when threads get personal and vicious, for whatever reason, but especially if some of the argument is happening somewhere else, like in PMs, and therefore are seemingly irrational by the time they're spewed out here. Once they're here, Sue, they're fair game.

Toning down the inflammatory language would help. Everybody everywhere.

Nice mib.

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but especially if some of the argument is happening somewhere else, like in PMs,

Precisely why I deleted the threads referencing that...

I was angry at being slammed (privately) for my post... I was told that expressing my TRUE experiences of the past, was no way for a moderator to act... When in actuality, I was trying to sound "less expert" because in that area, I'm NOT an expert and I knew the person I was responding to was not an expert, either... They didn't need to be slammed for posting a double seam rainbow in a diaperfold thread... I tried to soften my response and get this....

and you say that machine made ID's is TMI, don't care... nice comment for a moderator. .. way to kill an interesting thread. I was going to post some pictures........and after your comment, why should I bother to take the time?

After your post about banded opagues, we were cool.... My bemoaning the "new terms" was not directed at you... But, at the people who have duplicated names... It IS confusing... But then, we find that it's not really the case anyway, if they are referred to as "striped."

So, Mr. Sturtz takes the opportunity to rechew the cleary cud... He's upset with me for not backing him up in the cleary thread... I'm SURE in ANY other thread possible, I will pay for that.... DEARLY.

'Sorry Steve. I'm not going to be this weeks bulldog chew toy. Not in this thread, or any other....

Ann, your right, again... You really weren't rude. You just chimed in on an off topic that is just so rediculously over-chewed and caught me at a defensive time.

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I am not angry with you. We both know what I have said about mibs in this thread, I have said publicly. I know nothing about your problems behind the scenes and regardless of what they are, neither I nor the members of the board should be punished by you because you have probelms. You used to be fair and balanced. Please bring that Sue back.

I am sorry that you believe that defintions is not important. You are effectively saying that definitions are not important! You are hurting the new guys coming along by not setting the standard.

I didn't care that you didn't agree with me the first go on the appropriate use of words. You cannot defend a lie or a liar whether friend or foe. You have this time around chosen to think definition is important. Which is it?

As you know, the hobby is evolving and the more defintions we use and agree to, the easier the hobby becomes. Anyone who does not recognize the changes and accept them will be passed by...your choice...

Whether you get it or not, friends can disagree and still be friends. However people who send me crude,foul PMs are on thin ice.

I am offended enough though that I am charging you with a one beer penalty and graciously accept your invitaion to pay your debt on Friday evening!

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1. Spoken like a gentleman, Steve.

2. Nice striped opaque, winnie! Thank you!

3. And Sue, it's not necessary to "slam" someone to educate them. And it's not necessary to pretend that you know less than you do. You can so easily be a resource for all of us.

4. Thanks, catfish, for the distinction between handmade banded and machine-made striped! Hadn't picked up on that before.

See, isn't this fun?

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Sue is a handmade collector, not a machine-made collector. She wasn't pretending not to know. She was trying to help in an area outside her comfort zone when the people who did know weren't stepping forward. Folks like me. Not that I'm an expert, but I've concentrated more on machine-mades than she has.

But I haven't been stepping up, not much. Because I have something I've been supposed to mail to Darla for MONTHS, and haven't done it, and have been trying to stay away from the board until I get it done.

Pretty much failed all around.

But have to say Sue doesn't pretend. IMHO.

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OK Steve, this is what I said....

OK, I know I'm supposed to know all this diaper fold stuff.... But honestly, I only pay moderate attention to it. There's so much more "technical knowledge" out there now... For most of my years of collecting, this info was way TMI... I never cared much about it then and I only mildly care about it now... Serious ID of machine mades isn't a priority for me....

And, whether or not you, or anyone else thinks it's Earth shattering to the hobby that I don't study the books for information on IDing marbles, this comment is the TRUTH.

I DON'T study the books... I DON'T care to... Yes, I do like to be able to ID marbles. BUT, on my terms... This was the general attitude of most marble collectors I've known over the years until.... The past 15-20?.... When machine made marbles in general were thought of as more than a joke.

I don't feel that as a collector or a moderator, that it is my fiduciary duty to change how I collect for the benefit of........... Anyone!!

I did NOT denounce the study of IDing marbles... Anyone who wants to do that, it's FINE with me!! In fact, I'm REALLY impressed by how much some people know!!!

There was a time when I actually considered myself an "expert." I've been through the whole "Fight for Proper Identification Terms" war...

I was basically told that, no matter what I've known for 40 years, it's all wrong, cuz some guy changed it in a book...

I can post a "Proper ID for a Tri-Stage Swirl" and be run into the ground for being WRONG... Because all the "experts" list auctions for Tri-Stage Swirls, that I say are NOT Tri-Stage Swirls.

Why?? Because some author put info in a book that was incorrect, so he could make money on the abundance of incorrect ids that he had.... Then, when these sellers get consignments for them, they HAVE to list them as Tri-Stage Swirls, because THAT'S what the book says...

We have learned to build that bridge and get over it.... Does it still urk me everytime I see one?? Hell YES!!! Do I send out nasty notes to the sellers to tell them they're wrong??? NO

I have a life and I just don't have time for that....

Just as I don't have time for a conversation about clearies.

I don't have time for it now and I'm NOT going to have time for it on Friday night.

Yes, I do consider you a friend... Share a beer? SURE... But PLEASE do not force me into your idea of "Intellectual Rape.... Uh, Intercourse" I have a headache....

Sent to Lou, who is now being chewed...

It is not my fault she is trying to defend a lie and a liar...

Steve, what was that referring to and what does it mean??

And, where is the reference to Cat's Eyes and Sunsets??

How much more BS are you going to dream up before I have to send that PM AGAIN

Don't you get it??? I'm DONE!! LET GO OF MY PANT LEG!!

Lady, is this your dog???

Winnie!!!! OMG!! That is wonderful!!!

Steph, thanks...

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OK Steve, this is what I said....

And, whether or not you, or anyone else thinks it's Earth shattering to the hobby that I don't study the books for information on IDing marbles, this comment is the TRUTH.

I DON'T study the books... I DON'T care to... Yes, I do like to be able to ID marbles. BUT, on my terms... This was the general attitude of most marble collectors I've known over the years until.... The past 15-20?.... When machine made marbles in general were thought of as more than a joke.

I don't feel that as a collector or a moderator, that it is my fiduciary duty to change how I collect for the benefit of........... Anyone!!

I did NOT denounce the study of IDing marbles... Anyone who wants to do that, it's FINE with me!! In fact, I'm REALLY impressed by how much some people know!!!

There was a time when I actually considered myself an "expert." I've been through the whole "Fight for Proper Identification Terms" war...

I was basically told that, no matter what I've known for 40 years, it's all wrong, cuz some guy changed it in a book...

I can post a "Proper ID for a Tri-Stage Swirl" and be run into the ground for being WRONG... Because all the "experts" list auctions for Tri-Stage Swirls, that I say are NOT Tri-Stage Swirls.

Why?? Because some author put info in a book that was incorrect, so he could make money on the abundance of incorrect ids that he had.... Then, when these sellers get consignments for them, they HAVE to list them as Tri-Stage Swirls, because THAT'S what the book says...

We have learned to build that bridge and get over it.... Does it still urk me everytime I see one?? Hell YES!!! Do I send out nasty notes to the sellers to tell them they're wrong??? NO

I have a life and I just don't have time for that....

Just as I don't have time for a conversation about clearies.

I don't have time for it now and I'm NOT going to have time for it on Friday night.

Yes, I do consider you a friend... Share a beer? SURE... But PLEASE do not force me into your idea of "Intellectual Rape.... Uh, Intercourse" I have a headache....

Sent to Lou, who is now being chewed...

Steve, what was that referring to and what does it mean??

And, where is the reference to Cat's Eyes and Sunsets??

How much more BS are you going to dream up before I have to send that PM AGAIN

Don't you get it??? I'm DONE!! LET GO OF MY PANT LEG!!

Lady, is this your dog???

Winnie!!!! OMG!! That is wonderful!!!

Steph, thanks..

Ignorance is bliss. Enjoy it.

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