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a grin every time on this man , fine av. all over ........ thanks chad and i agree, always open to learn. the cerise had me scratching mainly because of the size. but, in hand and comparison, i agreed with the conclusion. be well all ... and marble on ... ðŸ˜Ž ... bill

mix of good marbles 072.JPG

mix of good marbles 071.JPG

mix of good marbles 073.JPG

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That make's 5 mib's that are on my hit list, never see them like your's anymore, it's been long enough now that most collectors are holding onto what they have like a barnacle stuck to a ship, if you don't you may never see it again, by the way Chuck "verrry nice mib's" thank's for sharing. Question !!  The green one on the bottom row second from the (L) is that a lantern or a goblin or somewhere in between as a few other's are?? I had a line on a galaxy 19/32 which I believe 90 percent of them are, unfortunately they wanted between a little to much for it. Wet mint yes but I just can't swing over a couple grand for one. A couple more then I'll try the gang approach again !! 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Chad G.



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I remember at Decatur when Gino B. saw this and said Peltier. He said that he had seen one inch Cerise listed in the Peltier paper work. But that he had never seen one until this one. He said the first marbles produced by Peltier were slags and not the feathered slags. So many slags still confuse me. As almost or all the very early companies started with making slags. So many of the color combinations and cut lines are so similar. I know Bill bought this one many years ago originally as a Akro. Years ago everyone agreed on Akro. But then the last ten years people looked at it closer and compared it with Peltier Cerise. Several know Pelt collectors and experts the agreed Peltier. Things thoughts and information change and we have to be willing to change. More, new and better information comes about every year. Marble collecting is a young hobby compared to many. So much more information available now even compared to ten years ago, let alone 25 yrs. ago.

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22 minutes ago, wvrons said:

Peltier hand gathered slag according to Gino B.


Well it has the internal structure of a feather slag. Keep on I'm listening and respect your enthusiasm to tell what you have learned. Thank you much wvrons, very, very informative,and for taking the time to explain your pic's, if you are like me marble knowledge stick's like glue, not soon if ever to be forgotten, maybe changed but always willing to learn something new, I love it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Regards,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Chad G.



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10 minutes ago, wvrons said:


I must have given away some brain cell's the day I gave away all those metallic rainbows I had, even a few that appeared to have some manner of oxblood, I couldn't see through it when back lit so as to the color it looked like ox, anyway long since gone.

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Chad G.

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Rainbo's with metallic and or aventurine have become sought after now. Many of the NLR Peltier prices have got above the average collector or beginner collector.  Especially the hard to find ones. So many people are now collecting and naming Rainbo's.

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3 hours ago, wvrons said:


Nice slag's man, I will post the rest of my feather slag's next go round, think I'm down to 3 now😭that leaves 2, I think, have to start looking might be more ???

Edited by Chad G.
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54 minutes ago, Chuck G said:

Chad, (YES) the one you are talking about is a pelt "Green Goblin", a very tough marble to find. Peltier is like Akro, so many many different species of them, true art in glass color.  Chuck G---

Thank's for gettin back at me, that's one of the 5 pelt's on my list. Only seen 2. Living about as far away from marble country as you can get doesn't make it any easier, glad you shared, Thank's again Chuck" excellent mib's " One of the reason's I love Peltier, the marble's they made are absolutely beautiful, Nothin like em. 

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6 hours ago, Chuck G said:

Chad, (YES) the one you are talking about is a pelt "Green Goblin", a very tough marble to find. Peltier is like Akro, so many many different species of them, true art in glass color.  Chuck G---

 Oops sorry Chuck I was addressing Bill.

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3 hours ago, mibcapper said:

they made some fine pretties ..... bill

mix of good marbles 130.JPG

mix of good marbles 131.JPG

pelt slags.JPG

ottowa 023.jpg

Picture from Ottawa ?? ( at least I got it in the right place this time, think I need a little nap !! )                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Chad G.

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