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A bit stumped


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If there are only three ribbons running more or less seam-to-seam, I would say foreign. If there are four (even if one is hidden beneath the surface), I might rethink it, since the white color looks really good.

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I'd rather it be a Pelt myself of course...I need too get a new battery in my pen light but on my phone light it does appear to have 4. The 4th, if indeed is a 4th, is a little broken up, deeper in the marble, and really tight against another ribbon. I'll post more pics when I get a good 2nd light.

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I'll try it again here in the display lightning, both sides...the side where it appears too be 2 (2nd and 3rd pic), 1 ribbon is thin and the other is really fluffy and somewhat out of line? It looks like there is separation so looking forward to opinions on the different looks.





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2 hours ago, William said:

I'll try it again here in the display lightning, both sides...the side where it appears too be 2 (2nd and 3rd pic), 1 ribbon is thin and the other is really fluffy and somewhat out of line? It looks like there is separation so looking forward to opinions on the different looks.





"I" agree with "Pelt Rainbo" on this one also, just a little messed up that's all. Marbles aren't exacting as you know, you can come up with almost anything, everything on this marble points "me" toward it being a Pelt Rainbo.

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I think it has a very good chance of being Peltier. The one feed, of the four feeds of white color just ran empty of color. So there are only three white ribbons instead of four.

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