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Slags & Swirls Saturday!!


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6 hours ago, William said:

A few of the marbles I picked up yesterday...











Thanks for posting some individual pix of the opaque Veiligglas swirls you scored William. Not easy to get ahold of over here, pus yours look to be in very nice shape for traveling halfway around the world to get here. Nice  :thup:

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5 hours ago, Chad G. said:

Thanks for posting some individual pix of the opaque Veiligglas swirls you scored William. Not easy to get ahold of over here, plus yours look to be in very nice shape for traveling halfway around the world to get here. Nice  :thup:

I will be returning too where I got this pile, plenty more too acquire and only I have the inside track! Christmas chewed up some of the funds so by the end of the week 👍

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2 hours ago, Chad G. said:

Ya did get some more Veiligglas, I didn't spot it when you posted in new finds, I wish they would have had some more opaque Veiligglas swirls for ya !!  

Sure did, I didn't see the other Veligglass last time I was there as it was pretty much a grab and go stop. Pretty happy with this group I picked up yesterday. Pics 8 and 12 are interesting, multiple colors in #8 and a really dark base glass on #12. I'll include more from my find in future threads 😊

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3 minutes ago, William said:

Sure did, I didn't see the other Veligglass last time I was there as it was pretty much a grab and go stop. Pretty happy with this group I picked up yesterday. Pics 8 and 12 are interesting, multiple colors in #8 and a really dark base glass on #12. I'll include more from my find in future threads 😊

Yes, # 8 looks like another Veiligglas pull.

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Here are three what I consider to be nice pinched pontil marbles, found by yours truly out of various lots. 5/8” or slightly larger.
The Amber is older---much older, the Red is probably Japanese (Yasuda?) and the Blue—well I just do not know. 
Swirls or slag’s? I guess that I would call the Red one a swirl.
Check those odd slags and swirls for a pontil —Ya just never know.
 (I have to use head magnifiers nowadays—I have to up-grade, anyone know a good one?)
Any opinions are of course, more than welcomed.



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14 minutes ago, Chad G. said:

Peltier feather slag, i.e. Peltier onyx

Wish we had a taste of them flakes, just above freezing here and raining like cats and dogs "miserable"


Yep, our first measurable snowfall of the year...started yesterday afternoon as a nasty rain/ice mix then converted over to snow around 4:30 pm. Plus the wind has been strong, bending flagpoles since it started and still blowing. My big wind chimes out back have been singing all night and still are 🎵🎶

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3 hours ago, William said:

Yep, our first measurable snowfall of the year...started yesterday afternoon as a nasty rain/ice mix then converted over to snow around 4:30 pm. Plus the wind has been strong, bending flagpoles since it started and still blowing. My big wind chimes out back have been singing all night and still are 🎵🎶

I forgot to mention that, the wind is rippin here too.

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