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Everything posted by Ric

  1. That's a nice clean marble, Dave - great egg yolk too.
  2. Boy howdy, Art, those are the coolest Akro bags I've ever seen - very special, and the marble is great too!
  3. I don't think it's a furnace marble but it might be a twisted Champion.
  4. I thought about Realers but I have never seen one with white up under/surrounding the patch. I have never seen a single color Opal either. But of course, I haven't seen them all.
  5. I think many, if not all, of these are Vitro Phantom Conquerors.
  6. Unfortunately, Rick, I wouldn't know a German Sub if it bit me in the rear. Please teach me a little about them.
  7. Ric

    Champion ?

    The first one might be Heaton. And I usually associate cold-rolls with "ridges" or "thumb-nail marks", while orange peel is more like what you see on a lot of big Vacors, whether there are cold rolls or not.
  8. Not oxblood, and it may be JABO, as Rick said.
  9. The first is probably Alley, that sort of yellow is very uncommon on Ravenswood, but I do believe the second on is Ravenswood.
  10. Me too, and it wouldn't surprise me if many are the product of child labor. The red one is very cool!
  11. I've sent multiple marbles vacuum-packed in tubes made from seal-a-meal bags. I have also rolled them up in thin packing foam with a disc of the same material separating the mibs - sort of like packing pennies in a paper tube. The second option is the easiest, and the easiest to unpack too.
  12. The base color sure is distinctive - nice marble!
  13. The best Halloween marble I have ever seen!
  14. I agree it's not made in the US but I've seen Vacors that get twisted up like this too.
  15. I agree, it looks like a patchy cork or a corky patch, and the colors do look Akro to me. I just don't think I've seen them all on the same marble before. But something seems a little off too so I'm having a hard time committing.
  16. In my experience, the interior of Acme Realers is usually more wispy.
  17. Sometimes it is hard to tell whether these types are Marble King or Vitro but I am leaning slightly toward Marble King with these.
  18. Another group of sundry Germans . . .
  19. That is a beauty. They always look so nice with a fully matched set of marbles.
  20. I would say a Peerless Patch with a little extra. Check it for AV sparkles with a bright light.
  21. If you have luck like I had here you're gonna win big!
  22. I am all in on Vitro.
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