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Everything posted by clydetul62

  1. Mansion, the grey coat pictured would not be a messed up rebel, but a messed up liberty. The grey should have been blue but most likely the mix was off. Maybe they were changing going from a rebel run and changed the black to blue you get the wierd greycoat color. John, I am suspecting that yours has the same base as the angels. Alan sold a similar one months back. Because of the green and red and angel base I call mine a christmas angel.
  2. Yes Burt they would look good next to the 1 5/8" blue slag. However, right now everything is ear marked for the sins of Vegas soon. The slag keeps begging to go. It may get its wish.
  3. Very nice Burt, very nice. Where's your lawn chair?
  4. I be there on Tuesday. Does that mean I get first pick? Clyde
  5. Very nice indeed! If you ever want to get rid of it, please look me up. Clyde
  6. There are 3 things that kept this one from going higher. 1. condition 2. blended causing to look green 3. no aventurine. Now if looked like this then big money would have been spent.
  7. Wow, nice to see that Wheldon gets around. I am very happy for him. Edna will now be spending a lot more time at the booth. I am most glad of our conversation several years asking about my own experiences. My suggestions have paid off immensely for Wheldon. LOL about getting stuck! Been there, done that. Clyde
  8. The person speaking is probably using a translator program such as Babel Fish. When you put the words in it translates but has many grammer errors. I supposs that the same occurs when they translate english to their own language. They probably have no doubt its new but please dont ridacule someone on how they speak. Clyde
  9. Sorry, if I was implying that Hansel was bad. I was not. He wasnt doing the the selling. As in this case he had them commissioned. It's the same if you have someone copy a painting, bronze statue etc. The fault isnt the person that has them made. The fault lies with the after market. The medals were marked as being silver. No marble medals are silver. This should have been the warning flag. Coins are the only thing I know where the government has stepped and says any coin not original must be stamped copy. In all collectibles you MUST learn what is out there and what is original. I also dont think there is anyone out that hasnt been burned at least once. It is a learning curve. Knowledge is the key and the power you learn to make the hobby enjoyable. Clyde
  10. I am not sure but I believe that Hansel did the same with marble medals. He commissioned Scott Patrick to do the job. A couple ways to tell the difference is that silver medals are marked silver. Old vintage medals were not made of silver. The detail of the repro medals will not be as crisp as the originals. Nothing was said about these either except that when they started showing on the bay, Scott chimed in and said he had made them. The same question then applies to now. Why wasnt the marble community warned? Easy because of the the money the will bring being sold as old. clyde
  11. The color of the patch is wrong. The color is muted in a MK example compared to a Pelt example. The pic is wrong. Steph got it right in comparison of the pic style. I like Edna saw these when I first started about 10 years ago examples in hand. You can feel the print. But you cant feel the pic lol. The size being 3/4 is also a give away. Vegas is still up in air. Although work has approved my time off during that time. Clyde
  12. Both of these comics are fake done on MK new patches. Buyers are gonna be very disappointed. http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-Comic-Marble-Lil-Orphan-Annie-SANDY-Peltier_W0QQitemZ360175197977QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMarbles?hash=item53dc1d5f19&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14 http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-Comic-Character-Marble-SKEEZIX-Peltier-OLD_W0QQitemZ360175197282QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMarbles?hash=item53dc1d5c62&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14
  13. Please contact me either PM or email at clydetul62 at yahoo dot com. Thanks Clyde
  14. Hi Greg, please email clydetul62 at yahoo dot com. I need your number. Clyde
  15. I have seen the pics of the machine before it was restored by Scott. Rusted all the way solid is the best word to describe it. Scott put in a few hundred hours of his own time to restore that machine. Not many people would do that. After the restore he did a few of the skinnies to see how the machine was working to round marbles. Most of the skinnies were out of round. With the grace of Wheaton to allow the machine to run during the marble show in 2002 and 2003 was to let some people have a dream. Only 20 were sold each year at auction at the end of the show. The money went to Wheaton village. A few others were given as gifts to friends of the Village. The rest are in the Village museum. Scott also did 10 marbles of Akro oxblood cullet that he provided, 5 were put in auction per their agreement. All 5 went to one person. That leaves less than 100 marbles out there for people. I was there for both runs and feel priveleged to be there. Both the restoration and the running of the machine was done out of the love of the hobby of marbles. I commend Scott for his work and Wheaton Village to allow the running and those that participated. Anybody who has any of these marbles now know how rare they are. They are way more rare than any of the runs from Jabo in the last 18 months. The actual agreement is really between Jabo and Wheaton Village. If you want specifics you should contact them and maybe they will tell you. They may also tell anybody to take a hike. Clyde
  16. Very nice akro sparkler with green aventurine Alan. May I ask where you got it? I recently at the L. A. in March acquired its twin. If its OK I stole your pic too. Too keep on topic the company that produced the most marbles with aventurine on purpose is peltier. Sometimes the aventurine will be in the main color but then goes too the next color. Here is a pic where there are a few with aventurine .
  17. I dont post often. But I agree with the others that all this bad blood doesnt need to be dragged over here. You mention why Galen hasnt posted things of this nature on the other boards. It's because of the same that you David, who I do respect as a long time friend, as well as calling Galen a friend, doesnt post the same things. It will get deleted. Eveverybody knows about Scott and his board. It does provide an outlet of no restriction of words and subjects that is good in some ways because like Tom Reed sometimes truths need to be told on that board and not dragged over here. Clyde
  18. Both of the runs are great. I am happy they turned out so well. Whether you're making the marbles for the joy or for money should be up to each people of the runs. They are the ones putting up the money. The Jokers have said from the beginning that its investment to make money. I know they also asked some people before these last two runs on some advise on patterns and which color combinations go best for eye appeal. It is nice to see that some of those color combinations came to fruition. In other words they did their homework. They paid their dues to Dave and keeping money to Jabo to work longer. Every run has done this. You should be glad they put money into the Jabo workers pockets. That is what you talked before of these experimental runs. Putting money into Jabo and keeping workers longer. Yet its the Jokers that get the most talked about. Why is this? Is their marbles any better than the other runs? It is up to the consumers to decide this. They are the ones that ultimately set prices. Steve, you have always said you hated the way they market the Jokers. Why begrudge their marketing? It does sound like you are jealous in some way. Are you jealous that your hand wasnt somehow in the pot? Will I get any of these? You bet. They are pretty marbles. Eventually, I will get some from all the Jabo runs from 2008. Each run has their own special appeal. So, to all great job! Clyde
  19. The 13/16" brick is def a joker fall harvest. There are some 13/16" for the fall of which I have a few. CT
  20. I would call that a NLR spiderman. It almost is a superboy but the blue isnt light enough and not enough of the red/yellow mix. Clyde
  21. I dont have any pics. Description is a peltier peerless patch. Four different base colors, white, green, sky blue, muddy. What makes it pearlized is that the patch is bright green. All have the green patch. Looks like nail polish. Clyde
  22. I have 2 of them. Both green base. Both have a fracture. One is 19/32 other is 5/8. 19/32 near mint-near mint+ has a few small pinpricks. 5/8 near mint+ has blow out one the patch. Email me at [email protected]
  23. I had a red pop box with 5 lemonaids, 5 limeaids and 5 silver ox. I got the box from Les Jones in 2000. Totally mint. I have since traded the box but kept the marbles as the person was going to put own pops in it. 2 of silver oxes has a line of burnt green on them. Clyde
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