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Everything posted by bermar

  1. You've got a good point there, Duffy. Kind of like... The Steve... Like setting him apart for all others. I like that. There is no other Steve like The Steve. Don't mean to offend the other guys....just sayin'
  2. Here's one of mine: I never say, "I am traveling to the Florida.", or "My friend lives in the Pennsylvania." Why then do most news commentators speak of the Ukraine? They don't refer to the Russia. It's not "the Ukraine", it's "Ukraine". I have visited Ukraine. I have never been able to find the Ukraine. Now that I have read what I have written, I conclude it may not be important. Let me know if you represent. Did I use that word correctly?
  3. These Jabo Joker Frankie marbles may be close.
  4. Plane gets in mid-afternoon Wednesday.
  5. Here's a recent purchase. In reference to this thread, is this a transitional? Is it a Brick? Is it MFC? What looks like blue to me is not mentioned in the marble book I am looking at. It is 25/32". I haven't had may bricks and am still learning. Thanks. Burt
  6. The little Rebel is 19/32" and the big Rebel is 29/32".
  7. It's a Brick. Some think the metallic shine is the result of a chemical reaction from being buried for decades. Any ideas? Great conversation piece.
  8. Dug Akro Brick with Metallic.
  9. Clyde, I thought you were looking for a Blue Galaxy.
  10. It's 7 1/4" X 5 1/2". New to me. Wondered how rare or common it is. Thanks for any help.
  11. Marie, your statement was "therefore they won't be wet mint. O.K.?" Seems like that was your topic when you answered Miser. Just wondering.
  12. Too much white showing through. Needs vitamin C for colors to hide the white. Nice marble.
  13. Not opaque, translucent base. Doesn't appear to be CAC IMHO.
  14. Whadjisay, I may be wrong, but your marble doesn't seem to have the appearance of a CAC Striped Transparent. Maybe others will clarify. Thanks
  15. Thanks all, now that winnie and clyde have spoken, I accept it as absolute authority.
  16. Is that a yellow shirt, Mike? You can't hide.
  17. Thank you, in advance, for i.d. help with this one. Burt
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