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Everything posted by I'llhavethat1

  1. Looks like some other nice ones in the group as well
  2. Good eye Steph, I was distracted by the top two on the right. And then got to thinking about whether or not the green one's might have Aventurine. Nice marbles, they look good together.
  3. Most of the big one's I've come across aren't in the best condition, so yes they got played with at some point...(or maybe fell of the mantle) They were the one's I aimed for in my playground days. lol
  4. Hard to tell as both CAC and Alley made marbles with those colors. Looks like it could be an Alley. But...(what looks like a cutline) and the '9' or "turkey head" pattern makes you think twice. Any still photos? What's the size?
  5. The location of the dump (without getting specific) might help narrow things down. Was it in North America?
  6. Nice looking marbles. I'm not seeing any oxblood, but there appears to be some Alleys and Peltiers, Vitros there
  7. Nice group, is there a link to the video?
  8. Now that's a real looker! (the other ones are awesome too!)
  9. I'm thinking the first is Vitro or MK, 2nd is Alley, last COULD be a Pelt
  10. Looks more like a cutline, but still nice 9 pattern. Whats going on around the equator , glued back together or cold roll. Nice marble
  11. 2nd pic seam and pattern could be CAC but it is most possibly something else
  12. Yeah, that's a tough one. I would have guessed an Akro-looking-Vitro, or else a very Vitro-looking-Akro
  13. I eat a lot of grapes that are borderline, do you think it may be a yellow cherry then? Those are good too
  14. They all stand out (as German swirls). Bottom right is an alternating white/yellow core latticinio. Hard to tell from the other pics of what you have there, but there are a couple worth another look.
  15. Agreed with German "Melon Balll" but the top left could be a figurative fruit (or something along those lines)
  16. Steph, on yours, is it a cold roll that makes the "9" pattern show up under the UV pic?
  17. view 3.jpg looks like a green Jelly core. Probably not intentional but that's what I'm seeing. The green was probably intended to be on one of the white outer stripes but you can imagine the patterns can get wonky
  18. Based on the one pic I'd guess it could be a bubbly Akro but more angles would help. What's the larger handmade on the left side? Some clean looking marbles.
  19. 3 inch diameter would put in the unusual/record-breaker category. Either way, there could also be sentimental value that makes it worth polishing.
  20. Beautiful spot Ron. Lot of yardwork getting done around here as well (ahead of schedule) since weather permits and I enjoy the fresh air.
  21. The first three are definitely unusual. NZ and Au ended up with some unusual marbles (from the collections I've seen).
  22. Would it anything else but a CAC? (Obviously not well versed on the subject but surely someone can chime in). It's a Beaut either way
  23. When I was young(er) marble season would start as soon as the snow melted. Still remember those cold mornings, smell of spring, and obviously cold fingers. Any slags in that box?
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