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Everything posted by I'llhavethat1

  1. I'd guess foreign if the brown is transparent
  2. Color combo looks especially bold, but I'd agree Pelt Nice 'Miller Swirls' Galen
  3. Winnie, I see where you're coming from. Below is one I have in with my Euro marbles that has similar colors (but obviously the flame pattern is a lot nicer on yours) although it's a shooter around 1" and I don't know what size your marble is. Hope this helps?
  4. ^^^ This. Some places in the world don't even have recycling programs let alone garbage pickups. And the scary thing is, the shear population/density in certain parts are so high that your noble effort of recycling one post-it-note isn't even a blip in the grand scheme of things. But keep on doing it, and I'll do the same, and eventually just maybe the rest of the world will catch on before it''s too late.
  5. if not you then who, if not now then when?
  6. Is there any significance to CAC and Peltier both marketing marbles with the name Bloodies?
  7. Could be, my guess would be a mill ball or something with a bit more mass
  8. Maybe some Pyrite, Bismuth or Hematite? lol. nice marble though. Looks right at home in the group pic.
  9. I'd just leave it the way it is. If 2/3 of the marble is in great shape that's not too bad. Your choice though. And I'm pretty sure the other comments didn't mean to insinuate you'd do something underhanded. There are some good marble restorers on this board. If I did as good a job as they, I'd sign my work for the sake of pride but again it's a personal decision. Good luck with this nice marble
  10. My thoughts are with you during this time, so sorry for your loss.
  11. What exactly are you guys doing with these things? It's a useful tool but can't say I use it much compared to other tools. Showing my ignorance I thought they only came out 20-25 years ago (maybe it was a resurgence).
  12. Pan fried Walleye my wife caught and half an acorn squash from the garden (roasted in the oven with butter and brown sugar baste) yum
  13. Nice, certainly is colorful with the Lutz and all.
  14. My guess is non-CAC, most likely Euro
  15. Good topic, so mainly a 'boxed' marble unit of measurement?
  16. An unusual cane-cut marble though, yes? Semantics where the pole opposite the pontil could be referred to as 'melted'. Very large size for a vintage German marble of this type, but not to say this couldn't be one. On a side-note, the underwater picture trick isn't a good representation of how it would actually look without the haze - makes the core look more shrunken (although there does appear to be a fair amount of clear glass casing).
  17. Hard to say without seeing it in natural 'non-wet' condition. One things for sure, it wouldn't be the same after buffing (better or worse remains to be seen, once buffed cannot be un-buffed)
  18. I agree that 1"+ is not a common size for Mica's, however I do believe larger Solitaire sets were made to accommodate the 1"+ sizes (just not nearly as many).
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