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Everything posted by Steph

  1. My first thought was Vitro ... for what it's worth.
  2. Akro made quality boxes with quality graphics. Calling "fake" on this one.
  3. At Gina's urging, a Thursday thread. This one is for your German marbles and related items -- Thüringen being the cradle of the glass marble making industry in Germany in the 1800's.
  4. I'm gonna go for it. (Thuringen Thursday) Gina, hope to hear from you soon! You have us worried.
  5. The rest of my Aces are sadly jumbled up with other Jabos from 2008. I had all the 2008 marbles in sections in a box that was 12" x 12" x 2". The 2" was just enough room for all the marbles to jump their boundaries when I tripped over something. They've remained in that same box for all these years. I still plan to sort them out ... someday.
  6. Still curious what you would choose!
  7. Thuringen Thursday? For all things German?
  8. This album has some marbles made by Scott Patrick, some with big chunks of mica.
  9. Of course! If the right people pass through, you should get an eyeful.
  10. I don't remember ever hearing of that comic before. That's a cute caption.
  11. The famous yellow/green glow is from uranium, of course. But other chemicals can do other colors. I'm hesitant to say much because I stumble over the chemical names and the oxides, but I remember calcium being involved somehow in an eery blue glow that I quite enjoy. I have seen it in some of my modern Marble King cat's eyes, and in a vintage jar. I once had a popeye with three or four colors of glow, including blue. But I sold it. Darn it!
  12. It's tempting! But I just had a $600 vet bill, so I'll wait.
  13. The blue-based Vitro cats are called Windex marbles. Desirable!
  14. Sometimes instead of just admiring something that someone else has, it actually occurs to me that I could go to ebay and try to find my own. Tada! Now I have a copy of a 1973 Audrey comic which a facebook friend shared last week.
  15. The red-orange glow is said to be from manganese.
  16. The glass looks vintage to me. I don't know who though.
  17. Pretty certainly Jabo here.
  18. Almost four months and purrfect. Four feisty pounds for her. Two-and-a-half for him.
  19. At that size with that glow, I'm sitting on the fence between Jabo and Pennsboro Alley.
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