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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I think Vacor Wavebreaker here. I just learned the dates on that one yesterday. 1996 to 2010 DETAILED INFORMATION (billes-en-tete.com)
  2. Feels like vitro except for that amber base. But that amber base could just mean extra interesting vitro.
  3. One marble per thread is probably best. For the sake of clear communication. If you take pictures of three or four marbles at a time, where we can easily identify them by saying something like "top" or "left" or "top left", that can work. But one thread per marble is fine! You might get more marbles ID-ed that way.
  4. I don't know any of your marbles! My top two thoughts on this one are Marble King again or Akro.
  5. If vintage then "West Virginia Swirl". But could be a modern marble such as Jabo. ("West Virginia Swirl" is a catch-all ID. There were many companies in West Virginia making swirls in the 30's through 50's and a couple still making swirls after that. Alley and Heaton that I mentioned above were two of the West Virginia companies. Another one was Champion. This has some Champion aspects to it. But it can be really hard to sort the marbles by company and that's why we sometimes just say "WV swirl.")
  6. Another "maybe Vitro or maybe Marble King". This one doesn't have red, so if it turns out to be Vitro it would perhaps be a Tiger Eye rather than an All Red.
  7. You have some odd ones. At first look it could be Master, but having a pair of similar looking ribbons is more like Peltier. And then the glass has a bit of a foreign look to it. I'm leaning non-American right now.
  8. Another "maybe Vitro All Red but seeing Marble King possibilities" marble
  9. I would have made an automatic Alley Agate ID on this one until recently. Now I think I've seen some similar ones ID-ed as Heaton. But I'd still roll it in with my Alleys for now.
  10. This has close to the pattern of a Vitro All Red. However it could be a Marble King. That's assuming it's vintage. Probably put it with your Vitro All Reds for the time being. I think most people would do it that way.
  11. Welcome Dustin. You don't sound like you could ever be bored. What a pain that you had to close shop.
  12. This is what we call and oddball! Vitro? Pelt?
  13. I don't think we know the maker. I think it's a modern Asian handmade.
  14. Yes, a brick and I agree with MFC. I've gotten mixed messages about Akro bricks. Now I assume MFC, especially with such a nice 9.
  15. I don't know either. A nine-and-tail with a long cutline on the opposite side? I'd at least consider MFC. I don't know how one would tell the difference between handgathered amber slags from the various companies which gave us slags.
  16. On ebay? I'd say not all those at once. But you could make any one of those compartments a lot. If you have all the rest of your marbles similarly color-sorted, you might learn some lessons in what colors people prefer to buy. Or ... maybe you could present attractive lots with one-third of an orange compartment, one-third of a green compartment, and one-third of a red compartment ... for example. Short version: small to medium sized lots would let you put up several attractive groups at once, which could attract a lot of buyers and competing bids. A priority mailer would let you send one small lot or multiple combined lots to one buyer, and would give you automatic insurance on the sale.
  17. Steph


    For a peewee that's an interesting pattern.
  18. The patch pattern does look Akro. Because of the opalescence, I was thinking "unusual Royal".
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