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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I was just writing to a neighbor about a cat in the alley ... and I had to backspace to remove the capital A from alley. If I'm talking about going on some adventure, I often have to backspace to add in a d ......
  2. The color and texture are making me wonder if it might be Christensen American Agate.
  3. Hi Bo! What size are those? I wonder if they might be Master, but I can't swear they aren't akro. Very pretty.
  4. I do think it's Peltier. I would consider it a Rainbo. Am not familiar with the name Gray Dragon. To me, "just" Peltier Rainbo.
  5. It's a china. Made in Germany. In the 1800's or early 1900's. I _think_ it's called a "bullseye china", but wait for a second opinion. (I should be better at the antique marble names but they don't stick for me.)
  6. ... I'm in a good mood tonight. I think I could learn to like marbles. I mean, thank you for reminding us of the simple beauty of these orbs we spend so much time pondering.
  7. Hi. Welcome. This site might answer SOME of your questions. https://www.billes-en-tete.com/liste_billes.php It is a list of Vacor styles. (Vacor de Mexico)
  8. You guys are going to make me dig into my collection to find examples? I know I can! Just gotta do it.
  9. LOL ... squabble zone? So civilized to sequester yourself this way. Yeah ... Blue Lagoon really seems to be the cat's meow these days. Everyone wants to be a Blue Lagoon.
  10. It is oxblood, yes. It's called an Eggyolk Oxblood. It's in the Moss Agate family, not Popeye.
  11. One of the subjects which brings it up is that Masters can have lashes -- and when people realize that it tends to grow their Master collections. But I thought it would be fun to see how far we could extend the examples -- to Master and beyond.
  12. In the first row, the middle one -- brown -- is a bennington. The one on the right with light blue splotches and other faint colors is probably also a bennington. It would be called a "fancy bennington". The rest are not benningtons. The ball-bearing variety of steelie has a certain charm but pretty much no value. For most collectors the important thing to do with steelies is to make sure they aren't touch marbles they could damage. Probably futile to try to clean it.
  13. How nice. Clearies have such charming simplicity and the little bags are sharp. (and the other mibs are nice too )
  14. Nothing jumps out at me, but they're comfortably vintage. And you have a bumblebee. ❤️ The big blue ball is intriguing.
  15. I'll say it's possible, in the same hopeful but not confident way as before. It could be hard to get a solid ID.
  16. The red and yellow is a Vacor machine-made marble. Style name: Red Devil. This page is helpful with Vacors. https://www.billes-en-tete.com/liste_billes.php I think the other two are contemporary handmades but I wouldn't be able to say who. There are many individuals who have made marbles on a small scale. There are Asian companies whose names we don't know who have mass-produced handmades. Vacor de Mexico had a handmade line called the Atmosphere. There was also a company in England which sold handmades which might have been made there in England -- I can't recall the name or if the marbles were made on site. Vacor Atmospheres have been popular among collectors but I'm not sure how easy it would be to confirm you had one without the packaging. That said, the second marble looks to me like it could be an Atmosphere. Here is a 12-year-old thread with some pictures of Atmospheres: https://marbleconnection.com/topic/6433-show-your-atmospheres/
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