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Everything posted by Steph

  1. No pontil. Pontils are for handmades (or transitionals). This marble is machine-made.
  2. Steph


    The blue and yellow is Alley. Other could be a WV swirl also.
  3. Steph

    No idea

    ??? normal size, solid color? Hard to say. P.s., does it glow under blacklight?
  4. Vitro All-Red. Akro Royal. Master.
  5. Right Imperial. I want the other two to be Master but I suspect they're interesting Imperials. On the fence. Different lighting might help.
  6. At least three Pelts NLRs. Not seeing enough of bottom left.
  7. I'm thinking Akro on the left. Maybe on the right also, based on the long seam I see, though that's an unusual color combination.
  8. If you have orange glow in the white, in the white itself and not just from the yellow or orange patches, then those are Peltier Acme Realers.
  9. That surprises me on the middle one. I need to have a Jabo refresher.
  10. I'm wondering about Jabo, but that's a lot of color shading for a 5/8" Jabo. At least if it's from the Classic era. It's a lot of color shading for anybody, come to think of it.
  11. (your guess is as good as mine, but lol)
  12. In the first photo, top left might be Vitro. Need more views on that one and the bottom left one and the middle one. I think Asian on the rest of them, even that interesting one with the blue ribbons.
  13. My only answer is experience. Takes a lot of hours to master even the cat's eye portion of the hobby.
  14. I'm not sure either. Some of that glass looks a little old to me. 5/8"?
  15. I think early-ish Asian, likely Japanese, on the turquoise cat. I'll go with Jabo on the top middle and the bottom left.
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