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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I don't know ... but I'll add "orange slag?" to your title to try to attract attention.
  2. Bottom left. No wait, bottom right. Final answer!
  3. Seagram's. Turn it inside out.
  4. So, I think it was officially released in 2017. But definitely in production for longer. Teaser from 4 years ago: https://vimeo.com/83400438 Fundraising video from 4 years ago: https://vimeo.com/82751262 Need a copy! Have sent them a message on facebook to ask how to get one.
  5. All The Marbles is more than ten years old, but thanks to winning a 2017 award, it qualified for the 2018 Academy Awards. [Edit: I _thought_ it was an older movie, but I might be getting confused. Maybe it just took a long time to produce? All I know is I need a copy.] They'll be at the Salute Your Shorts festival in August and at the Burbank film festival in September. http://allthemarblesmovie.com/ https://blogcritics.org/film-review-marbles-looking-oscar/
  6. Just heard that we lost Mike to cancer on July 17th. He was a member here and well-known for his marketing of Jabos.
  7. So, you're saying in hand you see a swirl-type, as opposed to a Master-type or cat's eye. That's progress. So, could be a "transparent swirl". Or still could be a slag. Sometimes it's hard to tell them apart.
  8. Ron, are you in the neighborhood? @wvrons
  9. Still a slag. Not a brick. A handgathered slag. The opaque quality may come from it having a lot of white on the interior.
  10. I should recognize that orange tracer ribbon .....
  11. Sean may be onto something with the slag thought.
  12. I gotta say vintage WV swirl on this one.
  13. A little blurry. How much bigger than normal? Between the brushed look of the white and your mention of a cat's eye like structure inside, seems it could be either Peltier or Master. But I'd want to examine the white more. Is the white in ribbons on the outside? Two ribbons? One patch? None of the above?
  14. ohmigosh .... huge ... but minding its own business
  15. Suddenly I can't remember the term. Air pop? Bubble pop? But Pelts are famous for them. Air bubbles just below the surface and the thin glass breaks. Your example is bigger than usual.
  16. Looks like a Pelt to me. And Pelt is no stranger to squirrely patterns. Sometimes it will look like three seams in one view because of how the marble folded to get both real seams onto the same side.
  17. First guess is that it's like the silvery look which air pockets give to sulphides. I may have seen it in cat's eyes. Guess I should dig out my Cairos to see if any of those bubbles have a metallic quality.
  18. Steph

    Id help

    It could be "older" as in having been produced by an Asian company before the Imperial company was actually founded. (Imperial is only a loose term that we use for somewhat Master-like marbles from that region, after all.)
  19. Steph

    Id help

    That would be really old. Or maybe it would be 1977. Still wobbly.
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