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Everything posted by Steph

  1. red based with red ribbons ... brand new to me. I just have some of the standard rainbo-like kokos ... I don't think I have a red
  2. I have a master which glows, but it's not bright and I don't think it's "brushed". An excuse to pull out the blacklight.
  3. Is this the baby blue one you mentioned? The structure of that (the small u-shaped cutline) together with the colors indicate that this one is a modern Asian marble. We call it an Imperial, because the Imperial Toy Company is one of the companies which distributed them in America.
  4. I started to post this link ... but now I see I already have it. It's a goooood link if you want to study Vacors.
  5. At this time yesterday my stepmother in Weslaco, TX (VERY far south) had more snow than we did up here in Wisconsin (quite far north). We finally caught up overnight, but that was nuts!
  6. Hi superchick! You probably saw Jelle's youtube channel. He sometimes posts here. @YellowMarble Welcome to our world!
  7. Hi Mike. Hi Rick. Hi Sami. Hi John-Boy. Sorry, John. Couldn't resist.
  8. If Vitro, that style would probably be from the 1950's. For what it's worth. They moved away from the solid vanes and to the cage style before the 1960's, I think. Still seems a good chance of Marble King with the four vanes. But okay. Any time.
  9. How many "vanes"? Is it four or five? ... or more? How about a photo showing those? Like a photo looking straight at this part:
  10. Number 1 -- the green and clear -- could be an odd Vitro Conqueror. I'm getting a Vitro vibe from it in any case. #2 is a slag -- looking Akro from here. #3 is a Vitro Conqueror. #4 ... I think another Vitro. Wondering if it is an "Opal". Does it have "fire" (an orangish glow) inside the milky interior when you hold it up to a light?
  11. Hi. Welcome. More pix could help. First of all, it appears to be a cat's eye. Is it large (nearly 1" across?). Or smaller -- standard size is 5/8" across. Shooter size is 3/4" across. From your picture, I'm getting the impression it could be large sized. So, pretty sure it's a cat's eye. So one question is whether it's a Marble King cat's eye or a Vitro cat's eye. That's where more picture could come in handy.
  12. Do you have marbles which are practically perfect examples of their type? A "perfect" cross-through cat's eye. A perfect Akro auger? Let's see some classic examples which show off the defining feature beautifully. You up to the challenge? Here's Galen's CAC Turkey montage to start the show.
  13. Let's call in some help. @Nantucketdink Here's the album: http://marbleconnection.com/gallery/album/435-pward0212/ First thought ... the ones which seem like 1/2" are probably considered 5/8" to marble collectors. Just a small technicality. That 1/8" difference means a lot. But maybe you actually have 1/2"-ers ... which might be more collectable. My next thought is that you could sell on ebay. Here's a list of recently sold Jabo Classics to let you know what you might expect there. (When you see "Jabo Classics", that usually refers to marbles from 1991 to 2007.) https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_sacat=0&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&_nkw=jabo+classics&_sop=16
  14. Hi. Welcome. I'll add "Jabo" to your title so that the people who are good with Jabos will know they're needed. You could try to load the images into our gallery, or another photo host and then provide a link. Or maybe someone will be able to help you through email. But first let me get that title updated.
  15. New Years Resolution: Organize my Alleys. I couldn't say what my most interesting Alleys are. Gotta fix that.
  16. Steph

    Humor Ar Ar

    Ha! Took me half a second. Then I laughed so suddenly I spit on the keyboard. Which would be okay ... except it's a borrowed keyboard.
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