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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Some Alley Agates. A Peltier or two. A couple of cat's eyes.
  2. Steph

    Time to Fight

    Breakfast of champions!
  3. I was able to put my hands right on my Scott Patricks but the photos will require sunlight, so hopefully tomorrow.
  4. The ribbon is not the type that makes me hopeful of CAC.
  5. Welcome! That's a nice group of marbles to concentrate on. I hope all goes to plan with your book.
  6. Something about that ribbon on the left made me looked closer to see if it could possibly be Christensen. I'm leaning Akro though.
  7. I wanted to say Vitro Bullseye, but I'm not sure if Bullseyes can have the extra color on the opposite end from the bullseye part.
  8. Peltier on the left. Vitro on the right.
  9. Scott's wife said he passed away in the night. How to describe Scott to anyone who didn't know him? Is it possible? A glass artist who wasn't afraid to rock the boat. I'm glad we eventually became friends. I knew he had health issues and still it's a shock. Prayers and condolences to all his family and friends.
  10. Contemporary handmade is accurate. I don't see the aventurine but could be.
  11. At 9/16, I'm calling it a really cool game marble.
  12. I'd gladly call it a Marble King. If I were selling it I would talk up the aventurine. But Green Hornet? ... not me. Also, note that you're looking at the description chosen by someone who doesn't know how to spell "aventurine".
  13. This second seller didn't like hearing the bad news but eventually he pulled the bad listings. Some people ARE willing to listen.
  14. There's a different seller who currently has gobs of fake chinas listed. He was cited in recent Marble ID as something who "usually does pretty well with ID’s". His fake chinas were brought up on facebook yesterday and he seems very upset about the negative attention. I'm not naming names because since he has a pretty good rep, maybe he really doesn't know, and maybe he will educate himself, and maybe he'll take the criticism to heart about how the fakes are making his legit listings look a bit less appealing. If this other guy is brought up in a month or so and he still has them, I'll be on board with saying that he knows exactly what he is doing because he is most definitely on notice.
  15. Yup, that would be a lot to pay for a fake just to have a chance to post the truth on the guy's feedback. He would be laughing all the way to the bank.
  16. For the record, the star version came before the magic marker version. Back in the 1990's. Was one of the earliest Atlanta fakes. The star version was made with a kindergarten gold star attached to the mill ball, and the color applied around it. @hrjaneonce showed a lot she bought where one had the star still attached. Seller could believe it's real. A lot of people have been duped by them. Someone on facebook was recently swearing up and down that hers had to be real and she was so passionate that I believed she believed it. Even though she claimed she found them in the 1970's, which was 20 years too early. People's memories can be faulty. Maybe she found some clays in the 1970's and got confused about it being these. Who knows. A lot of people got duped and don't want to believe they were duped. So is this seller an intentional duper or a dupee? Who knows.
  17. Steph

    My new kittens

    ^^ I'm a woman of few words these days.
  18. Steph

    My new kittens

    Ann! Ann! Ann! You were missed! Excellent job going deep under cover! Mike is so very missed. Yes, Bear is spoiled and happy. She doesn't always know it, because she doesn't like her feline housemates. Oh the drama. But she's doing well.
  19. Looking like oxblood to me.
  20. I want it to be a slag with minimal action. I want that to be a sweet placement of that minimal action, illustrating the internal twisting of the handgathered marble. Is that too much to ask for?
  21. I'm not seeing enough structure to think of it as a WV swirl. So I'm leaning Jabo. Champion would be my next choice if I had to go WV.
  22. On left, yes to Akro Prize Name and Peltier Rainbo. On top right, Vitro or Akro. I'm leaning Vitro at the moment. On bottom right, don't even have a good guess.
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