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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Going to try to upload them here. German Marble Industry - 1907.pdf German Marble Industry - 1927.pdf
  2. I've seen people claim their eyelashed corks were pre-freeze and came from the 1920's. And I think I've seen someone claim they came from 1910. But Akro didn't even exist in 1908.
  3. I'm thinking yes to "unusual" but I'll move this to the other forum to get more opinions ....
  4. My guess for the marble would be that it could be from the era which produced the marbles in these boxes:
  5. Very interesting. I don't recognize that as a popeye. I'm guessing the modern collector's name for that might be "special". (I use that word hesitantly for reasons of my own. )
  6. Here's a paragraph from one of Alan's archived pages: Recently, I spoke with a friend who told me his uncle was in the screenprinting business in the mid-to-late 1930s. One of the items he screenprinted for companies (filling stations, Cracker Jack, and small local businesses in the area of western Pennsylvania) and individuals (i.e. political campaigners) included marbles. This elderly gentleman, Howard E. Koehler, was born in 1910, and obtained his marbles from Akro Agate. Over the years he has given these marbles to his relatives, including his nephew, my friend, who showed me a jar full. Among the marbles were Popeyes, Corkscrews, and Opaques. Many were printed with the names of individuals, while others had the names of petroleum companies (Esso, Mobilgas, and Sunoco) and such words as "freedom" and "1937." Mr. Koehler himself kept around 100 of these marbles, and allowed me to go through them. Perhaps some of the more interesting examples contained "Landon" or "Landon/Knox"; Alfred Landon and Frank Knox were the repulican candidates for president and vice president, respectively, during the 1936 election, and lost against Franklin D. Roosevelt. Another link, with more detail from Alan: http://dir.groups.yahoo.com/group/dixiemarblecollectorsclub/message/981 Guess I should save that page in case it disappears or is hard to find for some reason.
  7. The name sounded familiar so I did a quick search. A note on these marbles said that they were from the estate of Howard E. Koehler, describing him as the man who printed them for Akro in the 30's. That might be how Alan's auction for the marbles read. That would be all I know at the moment.
  8. Has anyone ever figured out what porcelfrit was? (I think it was a product from these guys: Ing-Rich)
  9. Hello. The two smaller ones look like clay or perhaps limestone if they're heavier than clay. Little monetary value for those two. But pretty cool to find them in an old house. If clay, could have been made in Europe or in America. If stone, I think more likely Germany. The larger marble was made in Germany, possibly in the 1800's. (To the best of my understanding the style was introduced in the mid-to-late 1800's and production may have continued into the 1900's.) Someone else will probably be along soon to tell you the specific collector's name for it.
  10. Lovely. Rainbo feel to me. Not based on ribbon count. Or mostly not on ribbon count. There are 4-ribbon NLR's. In the pix the ribbons just sorta seem like they would fit more with rainbos - in the texture and in how they meet. Agree with Dave that the base also seems more rainbo-y. Have you ever run across that color combo before?! What does BT have to say about it?
  11. The "stuks agate" part but most especially the "knikkers" part makes me think they were made for sale in some other country, like maybe the Netherlands.
  12. sheep? oops. forgot about the tail .... but I don't know what sheeps tails look like anyway ....
  13. In the picture of 4, is the top left one made of stone?
  14. I moved the thread to the main forum so that more contemporary collectors might see your question. p.s. Neat bag.
  15. I think it's a Pelt, even an NLR. Bingo on the making up names. Cha ching.
  16. Interesting looking. Different.
  17. I just remembered. I have three of those too. Edna sent me that bit of marble history.
  18. Hmmm ... I don't actually have those so I can't check to be sure that they're pure reds. But the fish snow cones are mine anyway! Griff already awarded them.
  19. Wellll .... I don't wanna hog this thread buttttt ....... Early sunbursts
  20. Andrea, it's Kevin Roberts' board. He was FeelingMarbleous and swirljunky and marblelover at this site. (After he got banned/suspended, he had a tendency to make up new ID's to get back on the board.) Chances are someone will send you the site address by PM. He and his friends have had no shyness in the past about using the PM systems here and at LOM to send their link to. But please no one link to it on the open board. We've been through that before.
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