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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph

    Vitro Superiors

    NOW that's a superior. LOL The photoshop did the trick! Chuck seems pretty definite about the yellow patch being surrounded by red ribbons on both sides. We shared a couple of emails about them and I'm pretty sure he stood firm on that. I should go doublecheck his exact wording. He named them so I have to go with what he says there. Here's what he said. I think he'd be okay with me posting it. I should ask, huh? LOL. No, he's said before that it's okay:
  2. Still some debate about this one so I'll try to remember to update it if there are any big revelations but I like it! Small scenic, 3/4". Said to have been dug personally by the seller, from a San Francisco privy. They showed a lot of other cool mibs they said they dug.
  3. (presumably) good box: Pavcraz style. The borders and general decoration are so different I wonder if he had a different style box to copy it from, or if this was his own design.
  4. Here's that auction. VERY RARE! BLACK CROSS-THRU CATEYE
  5. Steph

    Vitro Aquamarines

    Groovy. Thanks Ric. I was wondering about aquamilks.
  6. Beautiful video John. Thank you for sharing. And thank you to all the vets!
  7. This is one of the cases where one has to question what constitutes a personal attack. David (marbleus1) has been taking hits since page 1 for even starting this thread. He has been specifically and broadly insulted. This has turned into one of the free-for-all threads where if we banned all who could be looked at as attackers we might be banning half of our active membership.
  8. Randy, those would be Carnelians, with an A. Lovely of course. Do a couple of them have magenta areas, or is that a trick of the lighting?
  9. Fishing Lures http://www.faqs.org/patents/app/20090217566
  10. Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco? Lord, Save Me From Truman? Liposclerosing Myxofibrous Tumor? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, I think I found the one . . .
  11. Here's a short little notice from 1897 announcing that the company had been incorporated. Stone; an illustrated magazine, Volume 14, p. 630 Old news, lol, but I think it's sorta cool.
  12. Thanks Dan. The Akro box pic in the ad looks almost real enough to pick up, but I doubt I would recognize a Cornelian in hand. Is yours noticeably translucent?
  13. lol. Yes, some of the old ads are priceless! better than a real agate! love it! Love the whole description.
  14. oh my! that's the prettiest little nest o' vipers I ever saw.
  15. Winnie doesn't deserve the vitriol. And we readers don't deserve the insults to our mental capacity. Hijackings and vendettas are both against board guidelines. I agree that Galen appears to have called Dave M and Beri liars. But he did it after being pushed into a corner. Pushing him into that corner in Winnie's thread was an insult to her efforts.
  16. This one is being discussed at LOM right now and it's on ebay. It's small. 3/4". Said to have been dug personally by the seller, from a San Francisco privy. They showed a lot of other cool mibs they said they dug. (I'm not implying what they said isn't true, just saying "they said" coz I wasn't there when it happened.)
  17. Neat adventure! and ain't it just!
  18. The so what is that Winnie took the trouble to post some neat marbles here in a thoughtful way and her thread got hijacked. Time after time some of us tried to bring it back. But showing Galen up was so important that it was worth disintegrating the thread and potentially chasing Winnie off this board. That's so what. It ain't cool when someone busts up one of Edna's threads. It wasn't cool to bust up Winnie's thread. Start a new thread to make your point. When you bust up someone else's thread it makes it more likely people will think badly of you and miss whatever point you think is so important to make. in my humble opinion
  19. "Marbles Which Exist But Are Rarely Id-Ed . . ." , , , that's as opposed to marbles which don't exist but ARE ID-ed! lolol you know what I mean! I hope
  20. It just dawned on me that I don't recall ever seeing a marble ID-ed as an Akro Cornelian on the boards. Thought it might be fun to see some of the more obscure mibs folks have. Cornelians or otherwise. p.s. here's what Akro said about their Cornelians in 1926, seems like a pretty good pic (click to enlarge)
  21. lol. well, that shows you. now don't you feel sorry for thinking that her Jabo was modern.
  22. Steph

    Vitro Buttermilks

    So, Winnie, my guess is no buttermilk on the 2nd, because it doesn't have a blue band. On the first I would have thought not a buttermilk because it doesn't have an obvious 2nd red band. But that's based on my thoughts about the meaning of the red/blue band in the tri-lite article. Edit: ah, Dave was posting while I was! I'll let my guesses stand. And wait with bated breath for a Vitro person to tell me how close I am!
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