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Chuck G

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Everything posted by Chuck G

  1. Bill, VERY VERY nice hand mades, gotta love them. I will have to come and see them in person here soon. Chuck G---
  2. I agree, Peltier on (both) marbles. Chuck G---
  3. Everyone has (always) great input and we learn from a lot of information shared. I, (well for me) on this example i see a (wonky) Vitro "All Red", but that is my opinion. Chuck G---
  4. In my (opinion) it looks to be more of an Akro. Chuck G---
  5. The first one is an Akro "Pop Eye" for sure. The second one i would say (NO). Akro may have tried to get this to a "Pop Eye" but the base does not quite make it there, so it looks to be more of an "Ace' base color with hardly if any clear in it. Most "Pop Eyes' (must) have a (percentage) of clear transparent glass to its make-up. Chuck G---
  6. Chuck G

    Pelts? 3

    Bruce, i agree with everyone, both nice examples. Chuck G---
  7. Ric, very glad to see you got there to a much deserved goal. Now brother, try (to stay BUSY), once you have taken it easy for some time. Now maybe we ca n get to (see you) a little more this way. So glad to hear this. Chuck G---
  8. Chuck G


    I agree with Ric, all pelts. Chuck G---
  9. Tommy, kinda agree with Ric, it just does not look right especially the seam he mentions. (BUT) a few things to (think) about when trying to id marbles. The composition leans on a Akro "Sparkler" and or a Master "Sunburst". Peltier did have (messed up) shear cuts seams a lot of times, and also they had a few with the air bubble inside of them. Getting others opinions is vital to id some marbles that are questionable. Chuck G---
  10. Chuck G

    Peltier ?

    Mo, Xs 3, i agree. Chuck G---
  11. Tom, the first three marbles look to be Peltier, (however) the grey base one (could) be Kokomo. On down the two far left, not sure. Chuck G---
  12. I feel that Chads intellectual value and his drive to future this wonderful hobby will be invaluable. Chuck G---
  13. Chad, a wonderful post and GREAT photos. I (also) have LOTS of Davids creative art pieces. Cant wait to see what his mind can come up with next. Chuck G---
  14. Chuck G


    William, i am thinking like the others now, may have to change my mind and go with pelt then possibly Vitro. As i review the great photos and study it more everyone may be right on Peltier for this example. I will go into my collection and look and see what i find that is close to yours. Discussing examples like this is the (key) for all of us to learn, as we all (including me) keep an open mind to change. A real (wonky) whacked out example. There are so many oddities in the production of marbles, who actually knows what may be floating around, real (head scratchers) for sure. Chuck G---
  15. I agree with Ron, very good example. Chuck G---
  16. Chuck G


    William, i will go with Vitro first then possibly a Peltier. Chuck G---
  17. Mojo, i am guessing neither one is pelt, see what others call them. Chuck G---
  18. Tom, that is a tough one to make a call on, not sure. Chuck G---
  19. Chuck G


    Tommy, Akro did make one inch marbles and even (bigger) and most collectors call those that (exceed) over an inch, experimental but another term that is well discuss in many ways. Chuck G---
  20. Chuck G


    Ric, see what the others say??? Akro or Master. Chuck G---
  21. I agree with what Ron, Al and Chad with what they say, close cut line, CAC, wider, possible German. Chuck G---
  22. Tommy, i agree with Ric, they look to be akro to me also. Colors and cut lines seem to be akro. Chuck G---
  23. A (suggestion) for you if you like. Elizabeth Kempski has a new Cats Eye book out, a very good book that has all these types in it to learn more about them. This will help tremendously if you like this type of marble. Chuck G---
  24. From what i can tell, it looks to be (possibly) be an ("Anacortes") cage style cats eye. The colors and style seems to be correct. Others may want to add to this. Chuck G---
  25. Ric, i have to agree with them above, gonna (roll) it in the "Ravenswood" family type. I see colors (diving) under other colors. Chuck G---
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