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Chuck G

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Everything posted by Chuck G

  1. Hi everyone, I am still (kicking) around our fall marble show here in Decatur Illinois and the way things look so far i will be planning it here very soon. I want to see how a few upcoming shows go first. I want to see how Fort Wayne, Arkansas and Canton goes and the feedback on them. There could be a few changes to our show here as i decide to carry it forward. Just letting everyone know that so far the plans are to go forward, unless things change by then. Chuck G---
  2. Bonnie, i do have some (theories and speculation) on the Akro colored transparent corkscrews. Some may disagree but here goes. During Akros production of the two colored opaque corks, especially the less attractive white opaque base and yellow cork, they seem to have made less of these in my opinion. So having lots of yellow cullet maybe in stock and less of these being sold (non-attractive) per say, they (may have) decided to change the base color to these examples. They went to the (colored transparent) types all the way from clear to red. The (champagne (pinkish) colored was one of the first ones sought after years ago. As you search in the years to come you will find quite a few different transparent base colors, as they do range in many colors combos. This change was (probably) to make a (prettier) example that might sell better to the kids. After all is was to make profitable moneys for the company and use some already in stock materials. This is some thoughst i have had over teh long years of collecting. Chuck G---
  3. Thank you for the (GREAT) information. I kinda had an idea of how coloration of stone was done, collecting Indian artifacts and arrowheads being slightly a different color. Indians used heated stone also, to temper their flint. I know agate and flint are slightly different in hardness. This is wonderful information and all should learn from it. Chuck G---
  4. Bonnie, i think an example is shown in the new book on Peltiers done by Sami and Mike. Not sure where the name came from. Here is (my) description for this example. "Golden Dragon"--a golden/yellow opaque base with one wide ribbon of a (green) tint ribbon (referring to the name Dragon) with the regular red/orange ribbons, like the "Dragon". has in its composition. Now this is (my opinion) while others may vary. Chuck G---
  5. Ben, i collect indian artifacts also, lots of stone. Chuck G---
  6. Agree, give the kids all the marbles they want, well, up to a point. I make sure that all the kids who come to the shows here i make sure they leave with a bag full. Love doing that, as you should see the excitement on their little faces. Chuck G---
  7. Ben, here is a list and others may want to add to this. The colors i have found in the "Bennington" family type marbles are white, black, brown, green, blue, (speckled brown/green/blue called "Fancy" types) pink, speckled pink, tan, as some of the mentioned examples will range up and down the scale for (color concentration). There may also be a yellow one also, which i have myself a very large yellow speckled one. These can be fun trying to find all the colors. There are two types of this so called (crockery type), the Bennington and the Jaspers. The difference is the "Jaspers" are an white base with squiggly lines of colors running around them, most being blue or green and also some pink. This may spark your interest a little. Chuck G---
  8. Here is some thoughts after 46 years of collecting. Collect what (you like), first off. Then decide what condition you want. Each person desires (different) conditions. Set your goals in collecting as close to near mint to MINT, (BUT) some examples that are on the upper scale of (being rarer), a lot more difficult to acquire in that better condition. Do not get me wrong, (yes) i have marbles that are in the near mint minus, however knowing they may be a lot rarer, i save them till i can acquire a better example. Save what you like no matter what condition until you seek and find a better example. It is all in your decision making to what grade in collecting. It is (your) collection and no matter what condition your examples are, guess what? it sparks more interest to others as we all share this wonderful hobby. Very good friends in this hobby. Now for a touch to the (investment) part of this hobby. The value will (always) vary in condition, the better the more money returns when selling later on. Top collectors always look for near mint plus as they have no problem in purchasing them for most part. All values in this specific marble hobby is dictated by (all of us) collectors. Information on a rare marble spreads thru the community very fast, is it rare or is it not, then for most part a set price is on the example. If the condition is less the less it may sell for. Low grade and low condition, means less, step up to mid grade, a percentage more, then near mint to mint, top dollar returns. With this hobby, i have been blessed so much, not for the (neat examples) but most of all the (GREAT FRIENDSHIPS) i have shared my life with, wonderful people. Chuck G---
  9. Akro (did) produce a florescent base "Sparkler" and (I think) they were shown in the Akro Salesman sample box. My example came from out west from a collector who is not with us anymore. A VERY good friend i miss. Not sure if "Master" made an example that the base glowed. Chuck G---
  10. Yes, grey ,tan and mustard (butterscotch) base examples of these are a bit scarce and HTF. Base colors do make a difference in this family type. Chuck G---
  11. You will find (many) variants to this specific named marble. So many (different) base colors as i have found, and they range all over the color spectrum. I keep finding different examples (harder now) each year. I found a (new) example of the "Flaming Dragon" at the last marble show i was at. A "V-6 Flaming Dragon", the regular green opaque base with the wide ribbons (whacked) out, one pole ribbon has a V shape and the opposite pole ribbon a 6 number. I know Peltier made all sorts of (odd) examples but this one is really (COOL) looking. Chuck G---
  12. I have a very good friend who is searching for two number sulphides and these are numbers 1 and number 7, can anyone led me in a direction for this please. You can e-mail me if you like, thank you. Chuck G---
  13. Stephen, very fine examples of these. Do not forget the "Frosted Pine Needle". The base is transparent total av green with internal white opaque ribbons. Chuck G---
  14. I agree with Ron. Chuck G---
  15. I agree with Ron, (plus) there is one with the 7up green transparent base glass also. There could also be (MORE) examples that would or could fall into this family type. Chuck G---
  16. Hey 45, pretty neat, metal detecting and find marbles, way to go. I have done the exact same thing before. Some years back was in a yard and the coin sound went off, dug six inches and found a Buffalo nickle with a clay marble on top of it, as you could see where it sat on the nickle. You never know what may (pop up out of the ground). I have not found any bag fulls yet, maybe (BOTH) us will score this one day soon, and hope it has at least six ("GOLDEN REBELS") in it. Chuck G---
  17. Chuck G


    Ron, you are right. I have so much on my mind right now, was NOT THINKING straight on this. I read it as a "Red Tracer" not "Red Angel", sorry about that, Ron is very correct on what he said. Chuck G---
  18. Chuck G


    Kaboo, a pelt "Red Angel" for most of us, has to have a translucent white base. This family type named marble will change if the base is a different color, but keep the same make-up. Most of the "Angel" family types come in red, green, blue, and yellow, now there could be other colors out there but so far i have not found any. This pattern stays the same but the base is a tannish color which will change the name. This is a very interesting group and you can actually run it in many directions to what it may actually be. Chuck G---
  19. I agree with Ron, a rainbo where it seems as though a couple ribbons (washed over) the base. Some of these examples are hard to tell. Chuck G---
  20. Chuck G


    I agree with Ron, not a (hybrid). Here is an old photo of some (hybrids). Chuck G---
  21. Rich, a very nice example, need a description if you do not mind please, my old computer doe snot show colors to well. Chuck G---
  22. Ron is very correct. "Blue Galaxy"--a variant blue opaque base, with swirls of yellow and (has) to contain black av. in a possible swirl pattern. Now there could possibly be variants to this color combo. A time frame for these examples would be a (guess) by me but could probably come close. A very good marble to have in a collection, rates pretty high for a Peltier marble. Chuck G---
  23. Peltier Mibber, i am curious, never heard of this one at all. If you would like to discuss this more, e-mail me at [email protected] Chuck G---
  24. How many remember this wonderful past collector? Chuck G---
  25. Meant to tell everyone that (HALF ) of these are (BLACK). Chuck G---
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