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Chuck G

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Everything posted by Chuck G

  1. Hi Scott, Chad is correct on the dates and if you want more info let me know. I would be very happy to tell you all about it and hope you can make it. I love putting faces with some of the board members. Chuck G--
  2. Winnie, dont under estimate "Clearies". I have found over the years you have to inspect them very closely. For example i have found just a plain clear antique handmade shooter size that contains an air trap in it that looks like a tear drop, pretty neat. I found another transparent clear machine made that when hitting it with a blacklight i found florescent feathering in it that looks just like the feathering on peltier slags but internally, so check them all, you never know what may show up. Chuck G--
  3. Yes, Clyde is and has it right. Some years back while he was doing the shows here in Decatur Illinois he found one of these and showed me and for us it was like Clyde said HTF and it deserved a name so he tagged it the transparent "Santa Clause", a fittin name for it. On a total clear bas with ONLY reddish and white ribbons. Chuck G--
  4. Hansel, thank you for the insight and links to the colored sulphides and the uv blacklights. It was very informative reading and i even learned more from the articles. Chuck G--
  5. Marlene, thank you so much for the post on Michael. We are so sorry to hear this tragic news and our hearts and prayers are with the family during this time. I knew Mike and have talked quite a few times with him at the shows. We always had a great time togather talking and discussing marbles, great man and i for one will really miss him. Prayers always Chuck G--
  6. Cac, cant wait to see you and some other great friends here. Maybe we can put faces to some of the board members who might come to visit. See you soon. Chuck G--
  7. Marbo, thats a very nice find. I love the pelts be known. The one you are calling chocolate is one of two marbles. If it has a pinkish base with red ribbons its called "Strawberries and Creme". If it has a light tannish base its called a "Raspberry Malt". The two twins of yellow and green ribbons have no specific name just yet. Chuck G--
  8. Hi Dani, i know we have them at the same time but i truly feel that both shows will be very successful from my perspective. This just happened last spring and Ron S had their show out east the same time and both shows turned out very well. With this silly economy the way it is and peoples traveling is limited anymore. I may have to change the fall show dates here in the future so i can come out that way to your show, love to meet you sometime. Both shows on the same date will do just fine. Chuck G--
  9. I must add a new photo to the bunch myself, enjoy. Chuck G--
  10. Chuck, very nice score and love the photos. On the clowns, are they transparent colored glass on the bases or do they have an opaque black base? The black opaque base ones are a tad harder to find. Love the Alleys to. Chuck G--
  11. Rich, very nice photos and best of all i finally got to meet you and have some great talks. It was a pleasure to meet the wife also. I am glad you all made it back home safely. Cant wait to see you again in the future. Chuck G--
  12. BJ, we are thinking and praying for you and the family here from Illinois. Its tough and many things go thru your mind at this point. Noone knows what the outcome may be but ONE, and remember, He knows best. Keep looking up and have very strong faith, prayers still coming your way buddy. Chuck G--
  13. Sissy, John makes a very point in his post with and example shown. Participation like this with photos is a great help and keeps the passion going and we all learn many many points and can visualize the photos and can come up with a conclusion that is for most part correct. Marble boards are here as a learning tool for us all, the more the better. Chuck G--
  14. Sissy, thats a hard one to really put a deffinite answer to. The second photos seam looks pretty straight. Does the other seam look as straight as the one? If it does it could be MK but with some marbles there is still questions about them. This is one that needs to be in hand for a better look. Chuck G--
  15. Seeker, yes Jabo done a really neat run with plenty of oxblood and even had some oxblood floaters in that run. It was the April run in 2009 and i was an investor in that run myself. It had quite an array of oxblood types in this family, plus some produced did have green and blu av in them. Chuck G--
  16. Who is heading down to the new first Arkansas show? I am hoping to get to see a few of my friends down there. Chuck G--
  17. Thank you very much Dani, some of my collection came from you and those really enhanced my collection very well. Go back and look at #4 and i see that i miss spelled it to. Chuck G--
  18. Ok members here we go on the names of the pelts on the tower, starting with the top row going left. 1. a "Coral" with a transluscent base. 2. "Red Zebra" with green av 3. "Dragons Eye" a varient of the Dragon family, note: four red transp.ribbons with one opaque wht ribbon 4."Silver Serfer" swirl type 5."Copper Head" 6."Purple Fizz" must be florescent 7. "Green Fizz" must be florescent 8. "Transparent Superman" swirl type 9. "Ketsup&Mustard&Relish" 10. "Dragom Melon" similir to the MK watermelon 11. "Christmas Eve" must have a gray base 12. "Frosted Pine Needle" must have green av 13. "Brown Zebra" swirl type and has brown av in it 14. "The Black Universe" swirl type with blk/blu/silver av 15. "Ruby Bee Rebel" has blk and red av 16. "Salamander" six ribbon multi-colored on clear base 17. "Green Rebel" must have blk and green av and a swirl type 18. "Blue Lagoon" transp. base with blu riboons and white with blu av in it 19. "Moody Blue" tan base with blu and white ribbons 20. "Transparent Rebel" clear base with red blk and white swirl type 21. "Transparent Bumblebee" clear base with black yellow and white, swirl type 22. "Blue Deere" yellow base, transp green ribbons with blu av in it 23. "Blue Bee" yellow base wit ribbons of blu av in it This is the list for those who want to know what some HTF peltiers are. Hope articles like this keeps your passion going strong. Chuck G--
  19. Thanks everyone for the great encouragment that makes this hobby so enjoyable especially the new friends and fun along this pathway of life. I will be hitting the final last few months and going into retirement by midyear next year and will be working on some great things and photos and working towards and or helping with a really great peltier book. I have already started making notes and working towards this goal. I may and could use some help from my great pelt brothers and sisters in the near future. Something to look forward to unless someone else beats me to the punch. Chuck G--
  20. Clyde, very well said and WE WILL work on pulling the names togather as one name for one marble. I think one day when a good peltier book comes to the market it will pull all of us togather in agreement fully with the names. For me names are vital for the hobby like i mentioned above and why. Hope some more members chime in and give us their opinions. Chuck G--
  21. m!b$, names can sure get into a heated discussion if not careful. I just want to interject my opinion on this thing about names of marbles. A lot of people learn to id marbles thru names of them. I teach when i do talks about marbles that names refer to color combinations making it much easier to remember. Example: "Superman" we all know its blue, red and yellow, that can also go for not only a peltier but an akro or alley and so on. ID=name=color combo=easy to remember. Now some may disagree with this presumption but this is what i feel most like about collecting and learning about them. I have to appoligize for some of the names of the peltiers that came from me. If a marble is named it should stay in the family it started with. "Superman" "Phantom Superman" "Transparent Superman" and so on. Once you are keyed into a certain name and another is added to the hobby its much easier to remember back to what it looks like or should look like. Chuck G--
  22. Stacy, you are welcome. I may have more to post and teach about later on to. Chuck G--
  23. Members, i will give this a few more days and i will give you all the list and names of them. This is what i gave to the Texas club and the West Virginia club to post if they do in the next newsletter. This is fun and everyone learns. Chuck G--
  24. Very good job everyone on iding some of them, keep it going till they are all named. It really thrills me to see that everyone is learning about some great peltiers. The hobby is all about learning and carrying it way into the future for those who seek and look for great pieces of art work in glass. Chuck G--
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