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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. Welcome to the land of confusion, without the av. would you still say pelt ?? I can't say if I would or wouldn't. In hand a 2 second I.D. but yes the dimpled av. riddled ribbons also point to pelt for me as well, what an odd ribbon construct !! I know pelt made pink glass, I had a pink based NLR, but not a half and half maybe a change in color stream or tanks created this one off. A washed out tiger for sure, if all pink what a killer then, still a great mib in my book.
  2. This is an active post on Ebay, is it Pelt ? or is it MK ? one side looks pelt, one side MK, one end Pelt ? one MK ? It does have blue av. but I've seen green and a very rare bit in MK. With characteristics of both "I Vote Pelt" that's my first intuition so be it, the picture drew me to the post not what the seller hs to say. Many sellers try to sell on the premise of the name of the marble thinking that will bring more money, not saying this person did that because the listing says Pelt? or MK? Pink, orange, what ?? LINK: https://www.ebay.com/itm/324423183509 PICS
  3. You weren't wrong Steph, it is a Pelt, your post certainly "got me to look" I wonder if that's why they call us Pelt heads ??
  4. Sounds like it's a pelt Blue Bee, rare and worth a couple hundred $$ at least, well above what the MK's are. The little twinkles if blue are blue av., you need at least a 10 x loupe to get s good close look to see what color the av. is unless it's so thick you can see it with your naked eye. If indeed a blue bee you should or I would definitely not let it roll around=d with a bunch of other mibs but at least put it into a little zip lock to preserve the surface, a very important factor in the value. A rare bee I see!! New home yes!! I would put it in it's own little dog house. " nice mib "
  5. Yes looks pelt to me also Steph, Pelt Bumble bees with a blue tracer often have blue av. have you looked really close for trace amounts or very fine of av. , weather it be blue or not?? And yes Steph I agree absolutely with the MK on the other three. And I would say you have 2 different bumble bees, 1 pelt and 3 MK with variations of the same marble Bonnie
  6. Is this site the one Al, it's been down for weeks at least, until now when I just checked it after reading your post, Thank You, I've been trying to use it for reference for weeks. I saved the link in case it came back up, I had a feeling it would, a very important and most complete list I've found is if this be the one ?? https://www.billes-en-tete.com/liste_billes.php?lang=en
  7. Here in WA. as well, I don't even want to go outside the moisture laden wind cuts right into ya, wish I would have lived a little closer to a mib factory, I like cullet, kinda nice to have cullet to go along w/ the mib. Good show Bill. Ya musta recovered from that last dose of popcorn ??
  8. I like the second upside down one, good amount of ox for a limeade, a great mib !!!
  9. A lot of Vitro's Bonnie, my fav. beautiful nice fat multi colored hybrids, yeah buddy, nice !!
  10. I don't collect them either but I sure ended up with amess of them, every time I bought a lot or went to an estate sale and got some there was always Akro in there so I decided I would keep the best and sell or give away the rest, well the rest is starting to build up or creep up on me A very nice multi Ric, man those really used to draw the $$ anything over 3 colors really set Akro collectors off. Nice and wet, I see why you kept it.
  11. Both classic familiar old favorites. Happy, Happy, Happy !! A few dimples never hurt and only add to the character of the marble for me.
  12. I know I've already posted this one but the oxblood in it is near black, an almost anemic type color, all my other blue aces have the lighter colored ox. a pic of it alone and beside a regular colored one for comparison. " Oop's" Happy Akro Friday all.
  13. Mmmm !! yes I need a fresh infusion, soon !! " Infusion " I feel like a vampire or somethin 👿
  14. if you cant see through the black streaks when backlit it's still oxblood just exposed to high heat a little to long " Burnt" I been told if you get it hot enough for long enough it will break down all the way and become clear.
  15. I'm in need a fresh batch myself, it's beginning to turn into a rash. I better and get some as soon as possible before welts appear and I break out in pelt bumps.
  16. I agree with you on those Bill but the black ones I have I believe aren't, but I'm still gonna post em to give everyone a good look see. When I figure out how to download these stupid pics or someone does it for me. Hmmm, if I'm having someone else download for me then the stupid one is....
  17. What ?? No popcorn allowed Bill, not fair!! and not like any rainbows I've seen ?? let alone pelts !! That popcorn must be laced with somethin ??
  18. I know, I know, I need to take some pics, it's just so easy to hit them all at once but you don't get the enjoyment like the individual pics. Therefore I will start again. By the way thanks for sharing Ric !! nice mib.
  19. I know all perspective at this point until someone starts to do chemical analysis on the glass or look at the glass structure through an electron microscope. That's going a long ways, I think I'll stick to collecting what I like. Although it does spark a little interest. I don't have a clue about the mibs above, they certainly have the banana structure going, the black ones some do some don't ?? I really, truth be known, don't feel pelt but will hold onto a few just in case. Maybe some pics later ??
  20. Do you have any black bananas ?? I have some 5/8ths but they seem a little different than the other pelt bananas I have. I'm just wondering if they're really pelt ??
  21. Those are the ones I like, the hybrids Vitro made, Beautiful, I do still have a few, nice fat puffy veins as you said "stuffed" I call em "fat n pudgy"
  22. Thanks Ric, I had and I'm not kidding, thousands of them I got with a large lot I purchased that had all the way form handmades & pelts to christensen and akro, I had to dig through 7& 1/2 gallons of marbles to get the good ones out $150.00 I think they just didn't collect and wanted to get rid of them. When I was done sorting a couple days later I had almost 5 gallon's of cats left plus the cats I already had at home. So I sold and gave away every one I had at the time, "not good" even for cats when you have that many from every company known there's gonna be some good ones in there. The ones I miss the most are the hybrid vitro I had. Those are the ones I already collected, the multi colored vein ones that fetch all the money now, but not about money, I liked them. I love collecting marbles "yes" but when it's to the point you have so many you're walking on them a decision has to be made. Boy all that over a cat eye, Hmmmm !!! Ah no regrets, I still have a few nice ones. Thanks again Ric
  23. I received a bunch of Heaton from the dig and instead of posting the knowns I'm going to post the oddball unknown and off base ones I found, Maybe a week after Christmas, or maybe before but right in there, some real different marbles for sure. Not the classic Heaton look.
  24. Hi Steph, Just checking to see if my emoji works here Yep, it's not working in the message center !! 😴 NOo problem
  25. Is you're message center full Roby ?? it says you can't receive any messages, you might want heck ?? Chad
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