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Al Oregon

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Everything posted by Al Oregon

  1. I heard the term 'horsehair oxblood' used shortly after I started collecting about 10 years ago. It was explained to me that it was a very thin line of oxblood, usually on swirl type marbles. Since that time, I have also heard people use the term 'oxhair' (combining the two...?). Anyway, the horsehair oxblood seems to be primarily on Champion and Alley type of swirls and some that are probably Heaton (I think Ron Shepherd mentioned Heaton had some). Here's a pic of some of mine - ignore the ones near the top and top right that are obviously not horsehair.
  2. Here's a variety of pics (not mine) - some from Block's auctions and others from people on the boards
  3. I just got off the phone with David Chamberlain. He is working on some type of marble memorial for Patry and I'm sure information will get posted as it progresses. David doesn't go online but will pass information through Elizabeth on the Marble Mental board and probably some other people, too, so it gets out to all. I met her years ago at a SeaTac Show and saw here a couple times since then and visited with her by email perioidcally. She had a wealth of information and pictures and was willing to share it. We will greatly miss her.
  4. Gladding-Vitro also marketed in Canada. If they didn't make All Reds themselves, they must have had supply of them from before. Couple pics below. Also, regarding peewees, I haven't seen packaging of any peewee size 'regular' marbles from any of the Vitro companies. The Exotic Gem type from both Vitro and G-V were 9/16 at the smallest. EXCEPT I do have one bag by G-V of 100 Peewees - 3/8 size - even says on the bag. Pic below. Regarding the 'lilacs' (named by Don Miller?) in the 2nd row of Edna's first pic, here are pics of two bags that have the lilacs in the bag - one mised with All Reds and the other is all lilacs. Then, regarding Blackies (I use 'regarding' a lot...), the odd ones are the one we see in the bag pictured below but really don't see many ID'd as such out of the bag. Almost look like odd MK's. Last, just for info, here is a picture of a bag of VITROK - decorator marbles - hiliters.
  5. Steph - were any of the cat's-eyes like the MK ones? Or like the ones in this Alox bag?
  6. That is sad. I remember someone mentioning that Joe was in ill health. He will be missed.
  7. Thanks - neat item. I've never seen. Keep the pictures coming..
  8. Neat bags. I have regular size marbles in similar bags but not the shooter size. Please post a picture of the red header you had not seen before - doesn't ring a bell with me, either.
  9. I collect metallics, too, and here are some of the Peerless with metallics (along with some other Pelts)
  10. Hey, maybe I solved the puzzle. I looked through all the Akro box pics that I have saved and only one of that size had the heavy duty metal tab/crimps on it. The printing at the bottom matches. Dani didn't show the edge of her box so maybe it hasthe same printing on it. It looks like aheavy duty boxfor mailing. Anyway, here the Akro Agates Sampler Box that might be the answer - hope, hope!
  11. I have never heard of a legit Alox 'armed forces' packaging. Those marbles look Champion - someone did a little more work to make these look older.
  12. Wow, a lot of great aventurine marbles shown here - thanks to all!
  13. I don't know whose box it was but someone posted three views back in Dec 2003 and said they were peewees. Obviously we know some people can't measure but...?
  14. I have to agree with Steph on ziggyzora's marble - definitely looks like an Akro double ingot (right pic especially). Also, from the pics, none of the others have as pink of a base as Zen's doesw. I think his is really hard to find.
  15. Here's two pics I have where the marbles were ID'd as Akro peewees in the larger pic and Akro patches in the smaller.
  16. I don't have that magazine but that is what I had in my list as why it was a 'marble related' magazine.
  17. Good info, Dave - thanks!
  18. Good report, Joe. Hopefully someone has some pics of the Alley exhibit since the show was honoring L.E. Alley.
  19. I've found several mesh MK bags with Pelts in them including the MK Sunshine - Rippled Wheat mesh bags. Also I've found some MK cat's-eye bags with Peltier banana cat's in them. And, of course, we find MK's in some of the Peltiers bags (ones with printing on the bags). So, I'm sure they swapped back and forth.
  20. By the way, I knew it was Lee's (before the Me link) because when I went to save the picture, the 'name' of the picture included 'nonobaddog', which is Lee's eBay ID.
  21. No reason why they couldn't. Lee finds some nice stuff in his travels around the country.
  22. Pretty - almost has a popeye look to it. Haven't seen one like that before.
  23. American Machine Marbles book states that John Early developed the 'adapter' (spiiner cup) between 1928 and 1930 - that would be for the corks so the time frame fits.
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