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Al Oregon

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Everything posted by Al Oregon

  1. And here's another picture I have. I believe they are real - have seen a handful on eBay over the years.
  2. Al Oregon

    Comics & Ppps

    Greenberg's Guide has a pretty extensive section on the comic marbles, how they were made ,etc. and it looks like 1933 tiime frame - but I'm sure you knew that.
  3. Here are some pics I had saved of various Ringer boxes for comparison. First pic was zaboo's (from 2003); last one was saved in 1999
  4. Had not heard of the Wayback Machine - now to figure out how to use it.
  5. American Machine Made Marbles, Sulphide Marbles (Stanley Block), Greenburg's Guide.
  6. Here's the picture of Pete's CA Pastels box from years ago - best picture I have.
  7. I like ones that come in bags, even with the old price tags.
  8. Vitro Tri-Lites box from Vienna seems to be confirmed by experts...
  9. Just for information, here is a picture of 13 different Peltier 'Novas' that Bob Block got from Gino Biffany in June 2003 (supposedly all the varieties). Gino is one who knows Peltier well.
  10. Good marketing tactic - similar to marblealan's listings
  11. I couldn't find a WL on any of my 'coloured' or 'Empire Made' marble bags. Haven't seen that one before. I do have a box like the one you show, Bill - there's been a few around.
  12. Last year at the IAMC Show in Tacoma. Smitty had some of the real St. Mary's and the 2000/01 remake. The real are on the left and the repros on the right. Gives you an idea of the color difference.
  13. What year did you make these, Bill? That way I'll know the marbles were from before that date.
  14. Enjoy - you do a great job on the touring! If Howard is driving, remind him to watch out for turkeys....
  15. Hi Bill - it was me. I guess I didn't get one from you years ago...
  16. I just got back from vacation and saw this thread on the Cosmic Rainbows. I agree that they were done after G-V (1982) and before Anacortes. I use the 45+1 count bags for reference here since I don't find 45+1 prior to the G-V use. Here's a Vitro Bag - Flag Label - Parkersburg with All Reds and some of the 'Lilacs' - (kind of dates them maybe also); then another Parkersburg flag label bag with cat's-eyes, including a green glass shooter; then the 45+1 flag label bag of Cosmic Rainbows (again Parkersburg); then a similar style bag with the Paris Manufacturing info printed under the Parkersburg line (by the way, some of the Paris bags were glued - no staples); then I threw in the flag label style bag with Anacortes in place of Parkersburg on the info line (that's a 50 count bag). So, they did print some headers on the Parkersburg style before they switched to their well known silver label.
  17. That's a legit bag from all I can tell. You are looking at a 60+ year old mesh bag - they do show some wear... Lee is a well known collector and one of the founders of the IAMC which runs the Tacoma and Las Vegas Shows each year. He can make mistakes, like the rest of us, but is very honest. Of the bags he has listed, I might question the Mr. Peanuts bag with MK types - might be a filled bag but...? I haven't been able to get any confirmation from MK if they did use the 'Play the Square...' phrase subsequently to using the 'Play the Game...' phrase. The legit bags I have seen have the 'Play the Game..." - the fantasy/fake ones have the 'Play the Square...'.
  18. I use AOL and haven't had a problem. If you are on AOL, you could do a CTRL K for their keywords. The type in 'browser settings' and clear the footprints - making sure you check the boxes for temp files, etc. If you haven't done it for awhile, it'll take a few minutes to clear. That might help clear out some temporary internet page problem - sometimes the computer thinks they are bringing up a new page and it is just the same 'saved' page that keeps coming up.
  19. Can you get to the main site board? Maybe just log in again on any Yuku Board? Google 'Yuku' and find a place to log in?
  20. And here's pics of one that Bob Byard showed a while back
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