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Al Oregon

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Everything posted by Al Oregon

  1. Oops, happy belated birthday and hope you are enjoying your Thanksgiving!
  2. I agree with Ric - the Champion Bicentennial bags were filled using marbles from as many WV companies as they could get marbles from. By the way, the Bicentennial bags were also filled later on with 'other' marbles. I have one with red, white & blue marbles and have seen others that did not have the variety from the original bags. While I don't recall hearing or reading it, it would not surprise me if the 'filled' bags that I mentioned in a previous post also included the Bicentennial bags.
  3. Yeah, they might be Champion marbles (kind of look like they are) and a Champion header and bag but there is a highly likely that those were 'filled' bags. Champion had a sale at one time and somebody got Champion marbles, empty polybags and Champion headers (labels). They then proceeded to fill and staple the bags together (everything original to Champion except the staples). They ran out of marbles before they ran out of bags and headers so they put other marbles in the bags. Also, I "think" (can't find the flyer copy) that there were a couple fake Champion bags in the group of 53 fake/fantasy bags made by the guy out of Florida in the mid 90's. Nationwide Insurance and Milton Bradley were also some of the header from the Champion factory that were filled, too. I posted some pics of the filled Champion bags (or may have been the fake ones out of Florida, too, since he used MK's a lot).
  4. To answer Dn's question, it is an Alley marble - not sure who coined the name but here is a display of Ron Shepherd's at the recent Texas Show (the word ALLEY is all tater bugs) and a close-up of three I got from him some time back (three marbles - three views).
  5. No one from that city in my marble people database.
  6. If they had an insured tag on them, the post office might be able to track it back to the originating post office and they may have a name but...? Also, that would tell you what city they came from anyway.
  7. Those are a rainbow of colors - nice ones!
  8. Al Oregon

    Coral Swirls

    Steph - that bag was Pressman. Also, here some of my "corals" - not all are exactly "coral" olors but close enough to group. Even one Pelt NLR fits in there
  9. An average Wales Cat Eyes bag would have the 6 vane, 3 pairs, 3 colors Japanese style cat's-eyes (common ones). I posted one pic below - they comes in 15, 20, 30, 40 & 100 count bags plus a 5 count shooter size bag. Wales are packaged in Japan. I do not recall seeing a 9-vane cat'seye in any Wales bags. They did package some 3 way cross thru type cat's - a 30 count bag pictured below although the count # is not on the bag (it was same way with a 15 count one I have - blank count on header). Wales also had the brushed patch type that looked like Vitros - called them Variegated on their bag (one pictured). They also had some in their red and white header bag with no marble name(one pictured). I also posted pic of a Claeries (that's how they spelled it) bag and a Daffodile bag that had single color cat's-eyes in it.
  10. Al Oregon

    Coral Swirls

    Here's the picture I've posted before when Les Jones listed three on eBay. He said they were CA - Ravenswood - Champion.
  11. Here's Leo's pic from 2008 - great guy and soft spoken - likes his marbles (seated in white shirt). He's gotten some fine "odd" machine-made marbles over the years and has them for sale.
  12. From what I understand CE Bogard did make those style cat's-eyes. That's been a while back since the last discussion I remember. However, maybe someone can check with Ron or some of the other digegrs as to whether they found them in the digs, etc. Here's a pic of one of my bags that has them plus one package of the Mountaineer Shooters that appears to have them, too.
  13. Elizabeth was having surgery so she shut it down temporarily because she could not monitor it (and there was a little jostling going on).
  14. If it wasn't for the wedding dress, it'd be hard to tell which lady was the daughter... Great picture and congratulations to all!
  15. Sorry that I am posting a late report but also I don't have time to re-post the report here. If anyone wants to read it and look at pics of old boxes and some WV swirl marbles, some people, etc., it's at Land of Marbles - here is the link: http://www.landofmarbles.com/phpbb/showthread.php?t=26974
  16. The cat's-eyes in the bottom pic (the 3 color ones) could have been made in Mexico, Japan, Taiwan - many similar over the last 40 years or so.
  17. The marble with the orange outisde vanes is a cage style cat's-eye marble - foreign made and probably from Vacor in Mexico - especially one over 1 inch in size.
  18. Unfortunately I can't make it this year. Y'all have fun and I don't want to hear about it (just the marble and show pics...).
  19. You and Craig - great Halloween treats for both of you...!
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