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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by mibcapper

  1. i think another is orange crush or similiar words steph. and i think there are 2 more. names elude me .... it's like pulling hens teeth trying to get information concerning pelts anymore ... bill
  2. thanks folks for the info. this new laptop needs a .. real ... brain running it ... and the easiest programs to function ... PROPERLY ... har. marble on ... be safe ... bill
  3. programs that are free ? simple and easy .. har ... thanks for the info. bill
  4. burnin the gas ... see ya soon edna ... bill
  5. lots and lots of chrissies .... and .. boxes .. good stuff ... bill
  6. i don't think alox made them flames. no proof of that so far ... bill
  7. with .. real .. butter, please ... bill
  8. i would edna ... but i'm busy guarding them .. buckets ..... bill
  9. to ... steve smith ... and all the other folks who organize and work hard to do a show ... a sincere thank you for your dedication and hard work. i've stubbed my toes a few times, and was straightened out firmly and quickly. no problem with me ... tell me what i don't know, and i'm sure i'll cooperate .... don't go away steve ... bill
  10. bruce .... ya need to be more .. QUIET .... quit trippin over ur %%%% feet ... stop " peeling" out in the hotrod ... and for god's sake ... KEEP UR HEAD .. DOWN ...... and watch the noice on the couch .... be seeing ya bruce ... bill
  11. push that button chuck ... bill
  12. location where these were made ?? time frame ?? thanks. bill
  13. give it a break folks .... give alan a thought instead of his marbles .... bill
  14. just a question ... who is listing and grading bert's auctions ? with the volume involved, for quite a time now, and with his age ... no complaint .... just wondering ... bill
  15. ...... ... .... :happy-857: .... ... air tanks available ... ... anxiously ... awaiting ....
  16. well ... yea ... you do griff when you hang around the fish market .. .... .... ... ... bill
  17. already sitting in it's spot greg .
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