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Morphy's Auction

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Not over priced if multiple people are bidding it. It hit right where the top bidder was willing to go and hit just a tad over where the 2nd bidder was willing to go.

But if the previous one sold for 1/3 as much, and the next one also sells for 1/3 as much, would you agree someone paid too much for this one? (even though it's a free world and we're all over 18, etc.etc.)

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got to agree that a price brought at auction(especially ebay) for rarer items is very rarely the true value of that item other than at the exact time and place the hammer went down. It can be much lower or even higher when attempting to make a resale in a short period of time.

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But if the previous one sold for 1/3 as much, and the next one also sells for 1/3 as much, would you agree someone paid too much for this one? (even though it's a free world and we're all over 18, etc.etc.)

No, I would not agree.

Some people miss it, miss it, miss it and then say I am not missing it again. It's what drives some hobbies.

Some times you have people with more money than they care to worry about.

Point is TWO people , at a MINIMUM,wanted it...not just 1.

There was also floro bidders and unless you have been to an auction before and see the level of FLUFF spouted, you may not understand how something you feel is worth 1.00,seen sell for 1.00, sells for 10.00 :)

As I have said before and it applies to EVERYTHING....somethings is only worth what someone else will pay and in this case, people were willing to pay more than you have seen before. Simple stuff

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historically we know what the master loaf sells for if you can even find one for sale. 3k is double what we normally see them sell for, so 6K is just stupid. Also, the 500 for the porcelfrit, its another example of crazy price, sure they are super hard to find, but 120 max on a great day. I just have to scratch my head and wonder if these are correct prices, or is it a marketing tactic. If they are getting that kind of money, I might as well send my entire collection to them and start over.

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Sometimes it is new collectors with money not real familiar with what these marbles can actually be had for. That is a fact in several of the recent Morphy auctions. When they find out true value, the marbles will not be worth what they paid, for quite some time, if ever again. So it really shows that the price realized at auction is not the value of the marble except at the exact time the hammer went down. Not a minute after.

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NO I was not talking about the poor prices realized for many of Kens marbles.(to be expected when there are several hundred CACs in one auction) I was talking about the ridiculously high prices brought by a few marbles in each auction. I have been contacted post auctions by 4 different buyers asking what I believed their purchases were worth. Seeing as none of these buyers attended many if any shows and do not have a real good base of private sellers I was sad to tell them that many of the marbles were not worth any where near what they paid for them IMO. To me a marbles true worth is what can I get for it if I need cash in the next day or two. That is cash value IMO. Of course I know many private buyers so I can use this method for value. Others can only use Ebay values(which are a very wide range or auction house prices(that can be completely screwed up>

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LOL at "...what use is it?" :lol:

On another note, all my appliances 'fell off the back of a truck'.

Am I the only one who knows their 'true' worth?

As opposed to all the shmucks (of course I'm kidding) who buy them at big-box stores?

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Honestly (which is to say that I'm going to stop being man-bitchy just for the fun of it),

I'd have to say that most marbles are closest to the blender. In the sense that they probably

won't have any significant inflation-fighting potential in the long run.

Eventually air, water, and food will be among the few things that have 'true value'.

Don't really know why gold does, but that seems to be the way it is. (For now.)

I'm certainly much more confused than you are. Think I'm faded and jaded before my time.

The holidays probably don't help, but hoping you and everyone else enjoy them! ( :

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That type of value is totally dependent on ones selling resources. I have enough that I know I would get darn close to a "Real Value". If all one had was a pawn shop they would not get anywhere near 'Real Value" I agree. We need a book on this stuff(LOL). I thought short selling is what I should have done with my home 3 years ago?

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this was from may of 2011 auction ... they listed the porcelfrit marble correct here but they couldn't do it for 12/2013 auction... it just shows how lazy one can be they didn't even go back and look....

not only that i was bidding online and i was bidding on the popeye box set i had high bid the floor bid and the bid retracted and sold right away ... i didn't win it the bidder before me won it...

i went and b*tched to them about it and they said there is nothing they can do once the auctioneer says sold its done... i was very upset...

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If a bid is retracted its up to the auctioneer to keep of who is high bid. The helpers also is their job to keep track. Unfortunately, the only way of them going back is right then or immediately when hammer falls and its caught at that time. Once they go to next lot it usually is done deal.

It will now be interesting to see what starts popping up on ebay from that auction. Especially, if the seller is from Denver PA.

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