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Everything posted by winnie

  1. Asked the same question in my thread "found yesterday". I think it's a bit silly of me,because it was confusing,thats why i didn't get an answer,hence a new post. What do you think WV swirl or Akro? thanks,winnie
  2. Thanks all,some of them have play wear,i bought them in a second hand shop,payed only 50ct,think it's a steal. Bop that one is a german cat's,here it is. Ric i'm not sure if it's Vitro,but it don't look Asian either,what do you think? that orange is odd. Haventhat,here is,i think a Akro swirl,it glows UV,i think the red is odd. and a cork Is this a cork aswell or a swirl,what do you think? And here is a nice slag,German or US made,when backlighted the base is transp- red. winnie
  3. Was surprized i found them all together in 1 batch in Holland,Akro's--Vitro's--Peltiers and WV swirls. Sometimes i find only 1 American marble here in an old group,this time i think most off them are US made,and some fig8 and German cat's. winnie
  4. I don't know,there are many CAC high end marbles as there are hand mades. Don't know how many marble collectors there are in America,it's such a big country. Personally i find it a pity that only the more expensive ones are auctioned,maybe it's something of this time. I think it's a good auction house,i've bought several toys in the past from Morphy's. The pictures have too much reflection and they're too big,so i do not get any good overview. winnie
  5. kbobam,I think your pictures are very special and distinctive,i like them. winnie
  6. Yes it's difficult,i've a question,can oxblood red be transparent,in certain cases? I've read somewhere that ox- is always opaque,so?
  7. Don't think so,cause of the red transp-but....it looks like oxblood. It has black filaments which are opaque,the red is transp- and the white is translucent. Could it be a black/red swirl or just oxblood,it;s 5/8. winnie
  8. http://www.ebay.com/...df#ht_720wt_809 sorry,i mean Euro.
  9. Here we call it Halma,we never have called it Chinese checker.
  10. Not a Ravenswood collector,i collect what ever i like. I was told these are Ravenswood. Me too like to see some more Ravenswood marbles winnie
  11. I would like to call it a wirepull,it's a clear transparant base,it has a thin color (purple) swirl followed by white. With a little luck i find those flamey whirepulls here in Netherland. winnie
  12. It's simple but i like it for a long time.
  13. I see what you mean Steph,i look at every thing thats around,last week i bought these balls,knowing they were bouncing balls. I've heard we could be treated.
  14. Thats the same marble i had in mind with the imperial call. Now i'm not convinced the first 2 are Imperial,the construction looks the same thats about the only thing they have in common. It's getting more strange,i can see the same spots or stains on your marble Farah,i thought i was doing something wrong,it must be something else. On my monitor #6 looks good,on photobucket i get those spots or stains.
  15. Strange ,nou i see the first marble has the same white spots.Don't know what i did wrong,i use photobucket.
  16. Thanks for your thoughts. By these opaque marbles (of which i think are Imperial),i got the idea of the Imperial call. Do you see what i mean,or am i wrong,what do you think,still learning. winnie I dont know what happens to the second pic,it's not what it looks like in hand,i tried to remove it but did not succeed in.
  17. but i'm not entirely sure,generally i don't like em very much,these look nice,and i never seen an imperial with a transparant base. it's 5/8, what do you think,recognize them? winnie
  18. I believe these are called ger.circus marbles.
  19. Never seen this swirl type here in Holland or Europe,don't you think thats a bit strange? You sure it's not Jabo or Vacor,do I see a butt crack and some orange peel? winnie
  20. This is a terrible time for you and your family,trying to stay strong is the only thing you can do at this time. Your daughter will need all your support.My thoughts are with you. winnie
  21. Found them in Amsterdam in a group of old marbles,they're 5/8. Looks a bit like a Wirepull but it's different. the swirling is almost all on the surface. Thought i'd share it. Has anyone seen it before? winnie
  22. It's 15/16,has a bit playwear,and what size is your's? I was wondering if they were also made after the war,but 20-40 is safe,for now.
  23. Not as nice as Galen's striped transp,here's another one. About the 2 seam slags,i think they're made in a long period of time. They are so very different from each other,not only the glass differ (good quality glass and lesser) but also the pattern. winnie
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