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Everything posted by Steph

  1. In the first pic, the ones with wider green patches and secondary yellow/orange/red patch or ribbon might have made me think Akro. But in the context of the whole group, I don't know what to think.
  2. Yeah, I was thinking Alley if vintage, Jabo if modern. A swirl, in any case.
  3. Uhhhh ... does the blue one have a black stripe on it? If so, then that complicates things.
  4. Chad, European and American "Striped Transparents" are a bit different. I agree with "slag" on the blue one since it is American and "striped transparent" on the European one because that's the custom for the European ones. [Edit: At least I'm assuming the orange is European. Where is that definition from? I couldn't find it with Google.]
  5. Oh that top one is a killer. I don't know what name it would have. Just that it's amazing.
  6. I didn't say anything because it seemed like such a solid Peltier consensus. But if we're throwing more names into the mix then, with only three ribbons, I offer Marble King for consideration.
  7. nooooo .... but if we want to start playing hot and cold ... you're the warmest
  8. I tried to get a significantly different view of the marble and still have it be blurry, but my cellphone wasn't having it. Couldn't trick it into not focusing. Tried to trick it my moving the camera fast toward the marble. Got a clear marble with the background looking like a Star Trek warp drive scene.
  9. Steph


    Could be Champ.
  10. Well, I don't actually know how it was made. But pretty sure there's some handwork there.
  11. Not steelie, not clearie, not cat's eye, not an eyeball, a touch out-of-round, not modern, not an agate, .... *heading back up to see what other things to answer*
  12. Google is telling me to try words such as "sunflower" and "mustard and relish". But I'm going at this blind. Never heard of these as pelt names before 90 seconds ago.
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