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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Yes. I was ripped off by Mike Edmondson, contemporary glass artist from Independence, Iowa.
  2. While that may turn out to be the case - it isn't always. I had a contemporary marble maker rip me off for $500 and Paypal acknowledged the transaction but said I was on my own. I was out $500 and Paypal was completely useless. Meanwhile - Mike Edmondson disappeared with my money.
  3. Mark Matthews Air Trap sulphides in Vaseline glass. He made a few (very few, I think) integer and alphabet sets.
  4. I have some other letters stashed somewhere....
  5. Guess what Josh gives out to kids on Halloween? Yep...
  6. Disregard then. I thought it might be one of his pieces commissioned by Cirque de Soleil.
  7. I just thought of something: Is that color yellow.... or orange?
  8. No - the two I pulled are of his frit design:
  9. I just pulled two of my Coupals. Both are signed "Fco2" in the same style.
  10. None of my Coupals are numbered. He was making limited run geometric pieces ("cubes") a few years ago.
  11. Smity: Since I see a lot of Ebay marbles described as "9.8 wet mint... with a few micro-nicks, light wear and two blowholes" - I suppose that "mint" doesn't mean anything anymore and some enterprising capitalists have invented the "Mint+" grade. Soon to come will be: > Super Mint > Extra Minty > Mint Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary I shake my head ruefully at the sliding grading standards. Alan
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