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Everything posted by lstmmrbls

  1. the rough cutoff would lead me to believe not American made on the second marble
  2. Thanks for making me appreciate where I live even more than I did a couple minutes ago, Very neat video!
  3. I really need to thank my fellow CAC collectors that passed on this one. http://www.ebay.com/itm/221998173141?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT I guess because of the more common colors it only garnered the quick glance I am guilty of so often. But this time I saw the single seam and what looked like a possible tail so I threw down a large amount on my snipe and waited. Well I won for next to nothing and when it got here not only was it hand gathered but absolutely loaded with fine aventurine. Mint as mint can be. I wish it was easier to get a pic of the sparkles.
  4. RED ZEBRAS, yikes, I threw another name out there again?
  5. lstmmrbls

    Coyote Ugly?

    Sis lives in the Sierra foothills, years ago Coyotes took her pet chinchillas from inside a screened porch. 2 years ago she had geese chickens and ducks, Due to the Coyotes she has none this year. Never heard of anyone purposefully introducing Coyotes anywhere? They pretty much due it all themselves
  6. lstmmrbls

    Coyote Ugly?

    Did my senior thesis on those digusting wild dogs, sorry I really despise them. but If it were not for the white man and his garbage those dirty dogs would still be in the deep southwest and Mexico. Instead we killed off the wolves brought in our farm animals and garbage and they just followed the sheep herders and then the settlers. They do serve one good purpose in keeping the feral cat population from exploding in some urban areas. They also decimate the deer populations in several areas by preying on the fawns, Generally nasty nasty animals when they get a bit urbanized. I do like the pics very much.
  7. I have the book and this marble looks new to me
  8. really like the one on the left!!!
  9. The brown color on the center 2 looks like they may be "California Agates"
  10. I was just referencing the new lack of squabbles, although it does seem to be a direct result of me not saying anything disparaging about The new run marbles which are just the most beautiful well made non vintage mimicing boon to marble collecting that has come along in years.
  11. Bob thinks it's nice and I think it is boring(lol) of course I have always enjoyed a good heated argument, but they really have to be with someone that can also argue loud and hard and still smile and say thanks afterwords, and there do not seem to be too many of those folks collecting marbles any more.
  12. Yes they are, some of the so called "Canadian Types"
  13. I was thinking generic type bags like jobber boxes, AL types faster than I do and I was thinking wrong once again
  14. I have some transparent based(sold d a very nice one) and white base that I believe came from the same maker
  15. Some of my favorites, right behind the CACs
  16. Please do not name one of the nicest dogs in the world after the most disgusting bug on the planet. I can't believe someone did it to a poor marble
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