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  1. A couple of my favorite Sistersville Alleys . . .
    8 points
  2. I am no saint but I will not account for any misbehavior towards new collectors (or others for that matter). There are no stupid questions—just ask and be rewarded. This place—“The Marble Connection” is the oldest marble collecting site on Earth. (Maybe the whole Universe) We are all here to further the knowledge of these cute little orbs known as many years as humans have been together and enjoying the partnership that has been bringing us together for many years, all of us together—regardless of whatever. I just love this stuff—just love it—all are included—“All “for sure from “newbie” to Expert. Let’s just keep it to marbles and enjoy each other’s opinions—politics and otherwise can be talked about elsewhere. This is a marble site—let’s just talk marbles and keep it there. What a great thing to talk about and discuss---(and they do not take too much room) Marble—On!!
    8 points
  3. Always love Akro Friday Here is a transparent green cork with a very thin blue line on a translucent base. -Jess
    8 points
  4. The veggies are flowering in the gardens! I need pollinators! By order of the Queen...... Release the Horde! Happy Marble King Monday 👍😎
    8 points
  5. 7 points
  6. Last two for this Akro Friday, promise. Coral on Blue, it looks like a translucent base, but light doesn't shine through at all. Oxblood cork on a butterscotch or custard base 19/32"
    7 points
  7. Probably my best find of 2024: Peltier “Yellow Lantern” 🟡 Looking forward to ‘25!
    7 points
  8. I am very fond of my spotted dicks. From the Advent Calendar my marble friends surprised me with in 2019.
    7 points
  9. I always thought bricks were opaque. This one has transparent glass in it that is green. Is it a fact bricks are opaque? It’s hard to see but there is green transparent glass in it. Any information would be greatly appreciate!! I definitely put this in the cool marble category!!
    7 points
  10. I got this in the mail today.
    7 points
  11. MK Monday / 6-Panel Cub Scout with heavy red accents
    7 points
  12. Some of my Veiligglas opaques. I need to redo this tray and pic as I have added several more multicolored exotic ones since taking this pic.
    7 points
  13. A few to start Akro Friday..Have a good weekend marbling everyone.
    7 points
  14. Here is the start of my long-promised replacement of the seam tutorial I accidentally deleted a couple of years ago. Some companies are known for more swirly marbles. Some are known for having lines or patches of colors which run from seam to seam or pole to pole. If marbles have poles or seams it is helpful to show them when looking for IDs. Rather than try to define the jargon I'll start by posting examples. And rather than wait until I have all the photos ready, I'll post them as I take them. So here I am starting with some Master-made marbles. Masters often have relatively small U-shaped or V-shaped seams or "cutlines". Some people might consider them to have "poles" where the ribbons come together on top and bottom. I took photos of both poles here. Sometimes seeing both ends can help with the ID.
    7 points
  15. Marble King, pretty colors 😊
    6 points
  16. Antique store find today in this bag. 3/4” to boot! Booth also offered 15% ofF Needed something good to happen today!
    6 points
  17. Two Popeyes with that Colbalt Blue 1 Orange Cobalt and Green Popeye 5/8" 1 Red and Cobalt Blue Popeye 11/16"
    6 points
  18. This picture turned out okay! DAS necklaces and keychains from 2015
    6 points
  19. No av. no blue lagoon Blue Lagoon :
    6 points
  20. I bought this postcard for a couple bucks I suppose maybe 25 or 30 years ago in an antique store and I put it in this art deco frame I already had that once held a picture of a famous actor named Robert Taylor. The frame has a hinged backdoor and I thought I'll take a peek and see who and where did this get mailed and when. So the back reads. From Ellen Owen to Miss Bertha Buttles in Ricketts PA. Ricketts PA is a ghost town. There is a State Park nearby named Ricketts Glen near where that town once existed between Williamsport and Wilkes Barre. This was delivered around April 1, 1907. I'd hate to be a post office employee trying to figure out this chicken scratch. I can't make out the town New whatever PA it is from. I am glad it made it's way to me. I have it right in with my framed cats eyes marbles now.
    6 points
  21. Solid ‘candle’ core swirl
    6 points
  22. Just pick out your favorite marble/marble related item and post it. I will!😁--a really tuff assignment, I know--just pick your favorite today--still tuff but here goes--- I never met Nadine MacDonald in person. She was the pinnacle of”just being a nice person” that collected marbles. She shared all of her knowledge freely and never with any contempt for those who challenged her. She was a “Marble Jedi” for sure. (She did know her Pelts very well) She also made some hand painted and glazed marbles that should be cherished by all. This one is one inch and I feel blessed just to have it. Marble—On Nadine!!
    6 points
  23. @William so much fun. Thank you for visiting and thank you for this beauty!
    6 points
  24. 6 points
  25. 1” Slag that is our favorite for two reasons, we love slag’s and how we came upon it. Was at our first major auction with many local collectors. Didn’t have a clue about marbles since we had just started collecting (spring 2023). All the seasoned collector’s bought every lot except the last one, I think they felt sorry for us. Was in the bottom of the dish all covered up. After that moment we were hooked.
    6 points
  26. Happy Friday everyone, CharlieT that marbles got a lot of twisting going on👏 very cool☺️
    6 points
  27. Akro Friday! A transparent Orange snake I haven't been on for a while, I love seeing everyone's Akros! ❤️ -Jess
    6 points
  28. The beginnings of my Akros 😎
    6 points
  29. 6 points
  30. Here's to 246 years! Happy Akro Friday 👍😎
    6 points
  31. Here are some of my various collections:
    6 points
  32. He does make up names. He doesn't hide it or anything, he told me he made them up. Somebody made up every marble name out there at some point.
    6 points
  33. Met a nice lady at the last antique show. her jar of marbles is it a Carnival?
    6 points
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