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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I sent an email to the address I have. We haven't talked in awhile though. I hope it makes it through.
  2. How very fun. Maybe start with a metal detector out back though and not jump straight to tearing up that house!
  3. Steph


    @winnie? Is this something you recognize?
  4. Do you mean Joe Street? From joemarbles.com?
  5. Steph


    Neat! I do not recognize that patch pattern with that base glass.
  6. I"m going Vitro. I don't recognize a name for it right offhand.
  7. I didn't sleep last night so I'm not thinking well today, but the green in front looks like a West Virginia swirl . I think probably an Alley Agate from the 1940's. (There were about 10 companies in West Virginia making swirls from the 1930's through the 1950's.) The back left is a German handmade. The back right ... is that clay? The green on the middle right might be a slag ... more views might help. Same with the blue on the front left. I should be able to tell you the one on the middle left ... I'm usually fair with patch-style marbles. But I'm not quite placing that one. Hopefully someone will pop in who got a good night's rest.
  8. Hi. Welcome. I'm not great with the German handmades, but I'm pretty sure that one is called an onionskin.
  9. How satisfying that must be. The Halloween colors jump out at me. Nice spiral.
  10. Oh, I am so terribly sorry, Ric. I can't even imagine. I pray your family can find solace in each other.
  11. Something for me to dream about ... and watch out for. Funny, I used to purchase large glass orbs many years ago ... before I collected marbles ... but I got them as gifts for my teenage brother.
  12. .93"? Big. I retract my Master guess. I don't know.
  13. Ha! I just noticed the colors are reversed on the bottom right. Took me too long to see that.
  14. Steph

    Help with id

    Thanks, Ron. I didn't recognize it.
  15. So, how does it look with your other Whities? I'm not committed to this.
  16. All are supposed to be veneered ... but what's inside can be different.
  17. Kinda leaning Master? ??
  18. Steph

    Help with id

    Agree with Al. First thought Asian. Very nice. Not the typical ones we see.
  19. Steph


    I think Veiligglas. From Amsterdam. Such debris is not unheard of. Nice effect.
  20. Noooooo ! Really? You could part with that?
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