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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I was vaguely hoping it was the kind of gold which has been used to make red glass. Keyword "vaguely". I've only heard of the gold glass. Don't know how or when it was made or what form the gold looked like going in to the mix. I guess it seems far-fetched for gold to be used during the depression to make kids' toys.
  2. More of Ron's Sistersville Alleys: (click to enlarge) I have his whole disk full of Sistersville pix which I want to put in their own thread, but I'm trying to wait until this one gets up to 100! .
  3. Most? I cannot say. Ron said it is not copper. He said it looks and reflects as gold.
  4. I put this one in the WV swirl thread but it really deserves a special mention. Machine-made with lutz. Date estimate: 1930-31. Photo compliments of Ron. This marble was found at the Sistersville WV, Lawrence Glass Novelty Company location. (click to enlarge) I think it might only be half a marble but sssshhhh, pretend not to notice. :-)
  5. Here's one for the books. Machine-made with lutz. Date estimate: 1930-31. Photo compliments of Ron. This marble was found at the Sistersville WV, Lawrence Glass Novelty Company location. (click to enlarge)
  6. Can you make out the date? I have seen some U.S. patents for casters at google. quick example Have also seen a site for foreign patents, but haven't had much luck searching there so far. Does the marble roll freely?
  7. lol - great effect actually! like a cliffhanger oh yeah, almost forgot, sweet mibs!
  8. Bottom right has been presented as a koko combo. All look good to me. (fwiw!)
  9. Kewl. That's the one I thought might be. Add that one to my like list! Corks and uranium glass! plus the opally look is kinda pretty in its own right.
  10. I'm definitely more into the corky ones than the random swirls. any glow in the dark? lol, I mean under blacklight?
  11. I believe you can get another name. You want? Or was that the set up for your punchline? :-) perty mibs!
  12. I don't know why I thought I saw the name Ricci twice in the list. Maybe because Christina the actress made the name so famous! lol And it might have been reinforced somehow from something else I read - lots of articles on file from NewspaperArchive.com. Local stories have made some players seem sorta of "well-known" to me even though they didn't become champ. Which of the past players have stayed on the circuit somehow? Coaching or playing as adults? I use the term "circuit" loosely! Take the question any direction you want!
  13. Christensen's from da box. If I'm not mistaken Galen has close-ups of at least one of these.
  14. Here's a 1980's Champion as presented at Joemarbles.com. He shows several 1980's R/W/B's actually. I'll just bring the one over . . . for now anyway. Joe describes it as a Bicentennial Special but notes:
  15. Here's a megaglass.com catalog photo of the Vacor style called USA.
  16. What do you have in the area of red-dish, white and blue swirls which you are confident about the ID's for? Relatively confident would do also! Thanks. What the heck, marbles still in question would be good too, but wouldn't it be great if the confident ones outweighed the mysteries. Is it possible?
  17. for real? you were in that? exciting.
  18. how huge is huge? I found this on google. It's for a "trolley sign" - it's 20 inches wide. The page says to sign in to get a value. http://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/orig-1930s-chesterfield-cigarette-poster-trolley-2
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