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Al Oregon

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Everything posted by Al Oregon

  1. Al Oregon

    Vitro Opals

    Here are some Vitro opals pics from RAR (2007) and Patry (2006).
  2. Some of those, when posted separately, are going to make ID'ing some WV swirls, Alley & Champion especially, even harder. Beautiful marbles!
  3. Very possibly. I've seen pictures of a yellow one and a green one similar to the red and a couple of guinea styles along the line of the other.
  4. Hee's pics of a 'Jeff Hale' from 2001 - 2003 time frame. I don't know which Jeff Hale this is but he is a marble collector. Maybe someone can determine which Jeff it is. I rememebr the Jeff Hale from the boards had areal tough time with spelling. I think he said he had learned everything phonetically. I thought he was great and very knowledgable. He is the one that set up the Yahoo Club.
  5. Hi Steve - yup, I'll be there on Wednesday afternoon. I had emailed people (probably even you) with a general email in January or so about the show. Steve's email was on the list and it did not come back so I assume it was still good. Mike Johnson, noted book author, will be there on Friday (Rich was able to get him a room even though the hotel said they did not have rooms). Anyone still wanting to book a room and haven't yet, messgae me and I'll give you a contact name at the hotel that may help get a room on the marble flooragor close).
  6. I think Pete got caught by surprise when they upgraded the LOM. He posted that he had not had a chance to look at it yet. I was able to get on after logging in again although the next time I used the old link, I got a 'not authorized' type of message. However, on the lower right of the page, there was a 'navigation' drop down menu and it listed the Round Table and othe forums so you could click there and get on. Here's a link I am now using: http://www.landofmarbles.com/phpbb/forumdisplay.php?27-Land-of-Marbles-Community-Forums
  7. Ric & Kevin - makes sense. I wanted to put Les's name out there so people would know the original ID person since he was very knowledgable. But I agree with your Champion ID's on the right two. I will have to change the title on the picture when I use it in the future.
  8. For the greatest show, there had to be a 'greatest show report' and you did it, Joe. Thanks!
  9. David, the picture of the 3 that Mike showed was one I saved off eBay several years ago when Les Jones was selling them. Those were the ID's he provided. The one on the left was subsequently confirmed by some CAC people as CAC but...?
  10. Have a marbleous day - hope some of the 2010 Jabos find their way to you!
  11. Here's some pictures that Roger posted back in Sep 2007 - does this qualify? Was ID'd as such back then.
  12. Elizabeth (pinx) has recovered from her surgery and the Marble Mental Board is back for those who frequented it before.
  13. For those that don't know, all of the marbles, etc. that were with the National Marble Museum out in California were sent to the WVMAG some time ago. They are now having a major fund raising to retire the mortgage on their building. A generous donor has agreed to match up to $45,000. Here is a copy of the page in their latest magazine. If you can help them, please do. Dean Six, a co-author of one of the latest marble books, is the director, so many of you know him, or of him.
  14. Here's a thread on Lizzy's Board that talks about saving pics including when you get a 'picture protected' type message when you 'right click' on a picture. http://marvelousmibs.s4.bizhat.com/viewtopic.php?t=2361&highlight=protected+images&mforum=marvelousmibs
  15. That gray material is like the gun case material but the 'holes' are closer together. I had gotten it some years ago from someone on the boards - can't remember who. The larger type you can find anywhere where they sell mattress foam.
  16. I think Marie is thinking computer storage and 'pop' might be talking about physical storage. Here's a pic of part of my display and some other storage ideas. The one with the gray background is the smaller type foam in a cigar box size box.
  17. The two Buddy bags with the 'non-box' type header is a new one for me. I've got the other style but not that type. Definitely Ravenswood marbles.
  18. Good pics - that orange base really threw me from the pics. Looked like orange ribbons ona black base. Cool marble - I can see where the purple ID comes from.
  19. Having a set together would command a higher price than the individual marbles. I can't sell the white cross-thrus at shows (5/8 size) for $2 - $3 each.
  20. So the base color is purple, not black? Of course, we have always discussed black not always being really black but sometimes a very, very dark purple. Maybe we need to put our regular tigers under bright light and see if there is a tinge of purple?
  21. I received a reply back - good thing I emailed her to question her. Any of you going to the show next month will get a chance to see her and it. Here's her reply to me. ----------- Hi Al: Thank you for the heads up. I didn’t give it a second thought that it was anything but a clay with letters on it. I can take it to the Ohio marble show next month to have it looked at. I will take it off E-Bay as I don’t need my reputation tarnished. Thanks again. C
  22. That seller just puts them out there. Some are 'junk' but some are vintage and unusual so people buy them. Likewise for the newer type like this one - pretty marble. Not a bad place to keep an eye on but you run through a hundred to find one or two worth bidding on.
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