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Al Oregon

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Everything posted by Al Oregon

  1. Wow! That's a lot of families to keep track of. They are all beautiful - I don't see any that I would call 'ho hum' types. Thanks for taking the time to show these, Edna! I noticed that there was a not a picture of #17 Calypso, named by Stephanie. Do you have one?
  2. Al Oregon

    Ad Heaven

    Thanks again Steph for all the information
  3. Congrats on the semi-retirement! It takes the pressure off - you can now do what you want to do. Of course, marbles is still it but you can pick and choose. Enjoy!
  4. There is a real header/label like that one so I think someone took a legit header and stapled it to a bag of mixed marbles. Here's a picture of front and back of a legit bag with that header (there are several like it). Also note the seam in my pic.
  5. Al Oregon

    Akro Heaven

    I'm pretty sure it says Akro Specials on the top line but unsure what's under that.
  6. Have a marbleous day, Carl! :Party_fest30:
  7. Nice one - thanks for sharing the pics.
  8. I forgot about those, Don. My question on the bags with the Alleys or the Peltier Banana cat's-eyes is whether they were actually packaged by Marble King or packaged by someone else for Berry Pink using the 'Marble King' name that Berry was known by...? Peltier had that 'checkerboard' type header pattern that was later used in the top pictured bags, for instance.
  9. The box Plan B shows is Bill Tow's - he posted a pic back in Nov 2007 - probably filled the box himself since he likes blue/greens. Here's two other box pics that I've gotten somewhere - one with MKs and one with Pelts so ....? (Note: I edited my post since I originally typed in Akros instead of MK's - sorry and thanks Steph)
  10. Here is what wvron sent me about 'The Last Dance': I will be off work on vacation until Jan. and no computer access,until early Jan. It was another great run at Jabo,as with all in 2008. Some info that may have not got spread yet. This final 2008 run included original L.E. Alley glass batch mix (not cullet) from 1933-1936. We were hoping for some chalkie marbles,but for several possible reasons none showed. Five gallons of the original bad batch glass mix from the Alley Pennsboro location was added to the Jabo tank at the start and various times. I had saved this from the auction a few years ago at the old Alley site. This was the correct time to put it to use. When Dave McCullogh confirmed it was a batch mix,he asked where from and then said lets run it,and we did. This batch mix was in the building which contained the many left over chemicals,and under the trash in one drum was Alley marbles and what turned out to be some chalkie marbles,with some of the left over unused bad batch mix. Dave,s thoughts were that it probably contained to much felspar,sand or to much of both. Steve Sturtz and Bill McCaleb have pictures of the mix being added to this run. Thanks to Dave McCullogh,Bill McCaleb and Bruce Burkhart (triker) for the encouragement and help in making this all possible. Some marbles from this run also contain lutz or goldstone. Machine made lutz marbles thanks to the engineering and work of Dave McCullogh and Sammy Hogue. Thanks goes to the three who conceived the idea of these special runs. Thanks to Jabo,its operators and everyone involved in all of these special runs of 2008. Nice marbles but most of all, many,many memories. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all Al, you can post the above if you like. My finger is tired and i am out of time. Ron
  11. That is sad news. I was talking to Marlowe about Larry at the Las Vegas Show and he had been scheduled for an operation. I had met him some years ago but hadn't seem him recently. He will be missed.
  12. Might very well have been the Berry Pink drawstring bags - 75 might have been a reasonable count for # of marbles in them (the newer MK drawstring bags have 75). This type:
  13. Neat item - thanks for sharing!
  14. Great pics, Jo, and thanks for sharing them with us. While it's neat that you all were part of the last run, I sure hope there are some more marbles made there in the future, whether Jabo or.... Maybe Hansel would rather play marbles than doctor....?
  15. Not many machine mades in here so thought I'd post a picture of mine from 2002 - have added a bunch since then but haven't taken a pic.
  16. A couple years ago, I bought a case of 12 boxes for $45 on eBay
  17. Al Oregon

    Holy Crap!

    Kevin - language like that is totally unacceptable. Sounds like you need a time out!
  18. Great report, great pics and great group of people that had a chance to be involved.
  19. Shooting Star name on mesh bag - looked like Meteors in the bag. They also used Chinese Checkers name when the put their name on the Akro Chinese Checkers boxes.
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