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Your Sunday Best !!

Chad G.

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Please post a few of your best, not necessarily your favorites but the best condition marbles you have.

I'll start with probably one of if not the cleanest marble I have ever owned besides a 21/32nds Purple Popeye I once had. A 3/4"  Akro Limeade Oxblood, not even a dimple on the surface of this one, if ever I saw a 9.9 this would be it. I wasn't moving the camera here, it was on a tripod w, a remote. The oxblood actually gives the illusion of motion on this one, a kind of fuzzy rippling effect.


Another pic of the same mib. Note the ox still has the same blurry look in the same spots. I thought for sure I was moving so I busted out the tripod, needles to say it wasn't me this time.




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My best two Peltier NLR Supermen, all I can find  are some subsurface un popped gas bubbles, anything that appears as a flea is just a reflection, I think there is one short micro asmade crease, only visible under a loupe, clean and wet, these were rated a 9.8 from the person I got them from & I agree. I'm kinda glad to find the micro crease, ensuring me that these have never been touched.



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                                                             My "Sundays Best"  Akro Milky Oxblood

Two views of the same marble. The oxblood doesn't corkscrew but instead meanders all over the marble.



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Gonna stick with the Akro theme, that way I know where I'm at posting instead of hopping all over my folders getting lost & reposting. My Best Blue Egg Yolk Ace, also a shooter, not U.V. reactive, I do have one that is but they are a bit HTF. The apparent debris on the bottom is only a reflection, this one is clean.



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