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Everything posted by clydetul62

  1. Craig, can you post pics what looks like without water?
  2. Looks like Bill has got a new career. Moonshining. His digging skills are coming in handy as him and his partner are trying to bury the still. Are gonna make marble shine?
  3. Thank you for clearing that up. I do wish you very well on both the auction and your new baby coming.
  4. If this is the same person. Why would they put a buy it now for 4k when I have heard he was offered at least 5k?
  5. Definately new. Craig Snider made some fantasy boxes a few years ago. He sold them as fantasies. Dont know if this one was one of his. Bo Stiff years ago posted side by side pics of the lettering to show the different styles between old and new.
  6. I like the metalics as well Mark. Way cool. We dont find those types. If we did I am sure they would be mistaken for U.S. companies. I do find odd U. S. patches sometimes.
  7. Yes Edna, thank you. Those pics show the colors much better.
  8. Why is every pic of this run dark? You cant see the colors very well.
  9. For the collector that cant pay the 1200 up for a 3/4" GR in mint, this was a good buy. They may never have gotten the chance to get a GR of that size in their collection. GR in that size rarely come up for auction. The Pattern and size is what sold it. I would compare the results of a comparable 3/4" 1200 CAC flame or a 1200 faceted pontil Greiner in non mint going for the same. You will over look it being non mint for the chance to add to your collection.
  10. He was my great friend. We talked for hours. Even though he not recent dead he will always be remembered. Now I'm all misty eyed.
  11. Companies that sell for a living ie. Morphys should care. We are the ones that buy from them. Without our money they couldnt exist. Their pics could be better. Pics for their other auctions are totally awesome. Why cant their marble pics be as well? Many auction houses have auctions that are this big. If its smaller its not cost effective to them.
  12. Killer stuff in the auction. Reflections are there and sometimes a distraction. I find that best way to view them is in a semi darkened room.There are that many high end marbles for any company. CAC, Peltier, Akro Alley etc. You dont have that much product though to meet the demand on the high end. You can name any company and the high end collector outstrips the product.. Not enough to go around. With so many high end stuff at one time vs. the the collector can be a down fall. The saturation of so many CACs will dilute the price. The collectors may be there but the walets cant meet that much supply at one time. Simple economics. At least they did spread out with more companies this time. Winne there have been a few super CAC collectors that for some reason are selling their collection. Handmades can run the gamut and not quite as saturate. Unless the person did a specific category ie. onion skins, joseph coats etc. In this case the collectors did almost exsclusively CAC. Many years of collecting for that particular company. Especially collecting the best can be a wow factor but can also hinder the final price. I did ask Brian Estepp though if you are doing marketing and handing out fliers and those fliers have a picture of something sold you should have at least what that product is. They just have the price realized. If you have a lamp, toy etc with just the price you cut down on new perspective clients. I see a lamp and the price, I want to know who made that lamp. There are many different companies. He told me their response is that the people who have that particular collectible knows what it is. Most other companies at least put the company and the price. Bad part on their end to bring new people to cosign their service. Duffy's comment had no corealation to the topic. It was just him getting a jab at someone who he doesnt like. Stick with the topic please.
  13. C'mon Catfish I thought you would be drooling over the 1"+ brick. Not the lutz.
  14. May not have been rat chewed but dog chewed. Had a puppy once chewed on end of books like a chew toy.
  15. Where is that located in terms of strip vs. downtown?
  16. That Alley box doesnt have a full row of that type (plus others). That type is htf and not cheap. If you purchased that box you may be hunting for long time and paying a good amout to finish just that row. Now if the box was cheaper that may make the hunting more worth while.
  17. Galen overlooked the one I got in Vegas. I believe the second is a Alley Superman. That marble alone is one reason that Alley box hasnt sold that's been on ebay.
  18. Steph, what they are referring to is JABO minus Dave. Hence their first run "Fresh Start". The second run was just done on 8/8/12 on the Bday of Joann's grandson. The name "Leo" run refers to the zodiac sign. Not his name.
  19. Always strange when you have nice in focus pics of one side while the other side is out of focus.
  20. The second is a double ingot. You can see the seam going around it.
  21. If you fall out of the boat you'll do both.
  22. The last one is an opaque green base. What you may be seeing is where there is very light black aventurine making it for some reason to appear to have to have clear. Neither of these are mine. I need to learn how to do the macro setting on my camera for some of my stuff.
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