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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I'm suspecting the oxbloods will turn out to be a contract run from after 2007.
  2. I agree Pelts on the left. Four does seem a low number of vanes for big Vitros. Still that's what I'd go with there.
  3. Yeah. It's almost an "impossible" job. But if you don't know it's impossible, maybe you can do it. Maybe set up the google doc framework and give permissions to a team of collectors to update it. A single thread would be very hard to organize, even a single thread per company. But if you get a data framework which is structured and expandable, then who knows what could grow from it.
  4. Yeah! And yours is even cooler since it's a patch not a rainbo.
  5. Jim mentioned the salesman sample box because I had posted that in another thread. I broke his box question off from that thread. My bad for not being more clear about that. Thanks for answering about this box!
  6. I have broken your prize name box question off into a new thread and put it into the main chat area to give you a better chance of getting an answer.
  7. Yes, Pelt. With the three colors of ribbon, red, white and blue, I'm on board with calling it a Multicolor Rainbo.
  8. This picture shows two different categories. Moss Agate patches on top to the right of center. Ace corkscrews on the bottom right. So it shows that in one way that the Ace bases can look similar to the white-based moss agates. But there are differences also. The moss base is very smooth in consistency. The Ace base is a little more spongy and sometimes you might see a grain in it, like with an Acme Realer. It's supposed to have an orange glow inside when held up to a light, like with the Acme Realer. But I don't think it was consistent. The base could be very dense, or it could be very wispy. Too dense you and don't get enough light through for the glow. Too wispy and you might lose the glow for a different reason. I don't think the Ace lasted long as a production item. The Moss Agate lasted for years and years. There were swirl and corkscrew versions, not just patches. There really aren't that many clearly identified Aces floating around. There are a lot of Moss Agates. And some of the Moss Agates get called Aces.
  9. Steph

    My new kittens

    Sounds like some fur people have you wrapped around their little claws. I wouldn't know what that is like.
  10. Ambitious undertaking. I'll help how I can. @bumblebee, do you have any organizational ideas?
  11. A lot of Akro. I could see all being Akro. But I don't want to overextend!
  12. The middle right compartment in this salesman sample box contains Moss Agates. (The label is a little hard to read.) Three fifths of them look like they will glow under UV.
  13. Many moss agates have a UV-reactive base. The first three marbles are Moss Agates.
  14. It looks handgathered. But not a sharp nine-and-tail. The wobbliness of the nine might point to Akro instead of MFC.
  15. Steph

    My new kittens

    Yes, I forgot that! I just left them out for the kittens to find. I forgot the power of acting interested in something to get a cat to be interested in it.
  16. Not Christensen. Sometimes you'll see that kind of structure under blacklight in clearies. Seeing whether you have long seams or short ones or swirls lets you play a guessing game about who might have made it. You could say maybe Marble King on the red ones because of the revealed structure -- or Vitro or Akro. But it's just a fun game. Not really information that you can be sure about. I'm leaning toward Vitro on the bottom marble.
  17. Steph

    My new kittens

    They weren't interested at all. Maybe later they will discover them on their own ... when I least expect it.
  18. Oh no, Gina. Hang in there.
  19. Steph


    I'm sorta thinking WV swirl, with the .70 size pointing toward but not guaranteeing Alley.
  20. I saw Ric posting and I was hoping he would peek in. But we can keep bumping. Someone will show. LOL
  21. At that size, I'm going with "nice Pelt".
  22. Yup, you appear to have a Pelt.
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