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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Wow ... nice group of marbles. Instant collection.
  2. I'm a little jealous that you're so organized! And you have a lot of treasures worthy of display. I'm happy that you finally got the American marbles that you wanted so much. I could never put my marbles out in the open ... too risky with cats.
  3. I got new babies on Monday, at six weeks and two days old. A little early but they are weaned and litter trained. They love their Friskies pâté. The "big" one is a girl. Her name is Bear. She is normal size -- about 1.5 pounds. The little one is half her weight. His name is Punkin. I was told they were both boys. But nooooooo. So she's getting spayed in a month or two. We have to fatten up the boy quite a bit before he can be neutered. In addition to being so tiny, he has something wrong with his front legs. He walks on his elbows. We're taking him to an orthopedic specialist on Tuesday. But even though he has trouble walking, he's pretty darn good at running and jumping, so they are getting some good kitten playtime in. He likes me. She runs away when I come into the room. He comes up to me.
  4. Do you remember how you got the dog to be your profile picture? On your profile page, there is a little landscape icon at the bottom left of your profile picture. Clicking on that will take you to the page where you can upload a picture of a marble to use as your new profile picture. After you upload it and hit "continue", there will be tools which will help you crop and center the marble so that it fills the circle that shows up on your posts.
  5. The flat side looked like it could be the end of a textile bobbin. But with the bowl shape on the other side, I don't currently have a guess. If it was a bobbin, I'd say the 10-52 meant it was made in October of 1852.
  6. Hi Gina. Most of us probably have a story about things we wish we had learned a few hundred dollars earlier. Or a thousand. It's definitely easier going when you have help in sorting through all the info. Welcome.
  7. Congrats on you new eye candy. Nice video. I confess I didn't watch all 15 minutes ... I sampled it so maybe I missed it if contact info was given. Do you know if Matthew is open for more marble polishing business? Do you know his preferred method of contact?
  8. I sent your link to my ceramic marble specialist. His report: "The marble is genuine, for sure. Nice find."
  9. Yours looks pretty good to me. I'm not the expert though. Here's an album of small chinas. Best Small Chinas - Marble Connection
  10. Handgathered slags with gorgeous patterns.
  11. Yes! Structure and flaky green mica/aventurine say Jabo.
  12. That is a pretty cool group of clays. Nice to have such a range of sizes. They would be about 90 to 150 years old. Same age range on the Benningtons which make up most of the second photo. Those are some nice old glass marbles in the third photo, mostly from the 1930's. The last two pics are mostly more common marbles, but I'm intrigued by the large marble in the second-to-last photo. I see that Ric has answered while I've been typing my post, but I'll go ahead and hit enter on this post without comparing it to what he wrote.
  13. Steph

    HG Akro?

    I'll try to be more specific. I'm thinking of two different categories. There were some dug marbles which diggers were calling bricks even though they weren't oxblood. They came in different shades, including peach. I don't know if yours were among the shades which were being called bricks. And then there was the marble which Akro officially named Cornelian. Your left marble is pretty close in shade to this scan of a very old photo.
  14. Steph

    HG Akro?

    Well, there were some non-bricks which were called bricks of different flavors. And then there were Cornelians.
  15. The glass looks old to me. I'm hoping for Pelt Rainbo. I hope you find a fourth ribbon.
  16. It's cool, isn't it. I do not know who has it. The photo came from an ebay auction.
  17. Steph


    Since #2 does not have the typical Pelt flip-flop but does have a Rainbo-like look, this is where I might start to wonder about Kokomo.
  18. I'll say yes to "transparent swirl," not slag. But that's as far as I can go.
  19. Marble King on top. Girl Scout. Pelt on bottom.
  20. #2 is a Peltier Rainbo
  21. Not sure about whether it's a double ingot or not. As to age, the textures and the two colors of ribbons are making me think newer. But I wasn't able to recognize a possible style name when I looked at the billes-in-tete site, so I don't know.
  22. Hmmm ... more views might help. I'm having trouble making out the structure. This might be a double ingot. Do you know what that is? It's where the glass for two marbles got fused together to make one big one.
  23. #1 Japanese transitional #2 European Striped Transparent #3 Maybe Japanese transitional, but I'm wondering if it might be a Christensen American Agate #4 ???
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