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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Neat! Thanks for posting that! I haven't downloaded ebay pics in awhile. Those are worth saving.
  2. Once a middle-aged man decides it's okay to pretend to be a 12-year-old boy and post about preteen girls' private parts, I don't think there is any amount of good marble description which would make up for the negative part of his personality. I guess that's a personal decision on my part and others might make different decisions, but I have no compunction with holding that kind of low behavior against a person for a long long time. And the language that he used to Andrea does nothing to make me change my mind. Interesting that Craig had no problem with him. Does he treat men better in emails than he does women? I know some people like that.
  3. I haven't tried it recently. I really gotta.
  4. When he was posting as the 12-year-old he made some outrageously sexual posts. (Well, maybe only one, but it was bad.) This was before I realized it was the middle-aged man posing as a child and as the child's great-grandmother. Supposedly it was the great-grandmother's account and the child was only online with her supervision so I sent "her" a note and "she" reamed me for being narrow-minded about her bright, healthy 12-year-old's openness about sexual matters. I just checked his feedback. No negatives yet. I kinda would have expected some already if only because of the mint 9.9 descriptions turning out not to be true. So far so good though. Maybe you'll still get the marble if you still want it. Did he really give you a tracking number?
  5. Marble mail is wonderful. A couple of weeks ago Joe McDonough sent me a Peltier Honey-Amber Banana. (Very nice.) Edna has kept me supplied with samples of all the marbles she's had a part in making. I wish I could thank everyone again who has ever sent me a marble. But today on my porch there was a different kind of surprise. Hundreds of pictures of Les Jones' marbles -- from his sale stock and his collection. Hard copy pictures -- like on Kodak paper. How cool is that? Sorting fun for Stephanie.
  6. I hope this helps! Feel free to give me feedback on whether it worked for you or not, or how I could improve it: Using "My Media" To Add Gallery Images To Posts
  7. Good for you! I almost look forward to getting old enough for eye surgery.
  8. I have temporarily misplaced my Grist/Huffer edition so I tried to find it in the 3rd edition of the Big Book. Didn't find it yet [edit: there it is on p. 173]. And p. 180 of the 3rd ed. has a box of licorice flavored candy marbles. "Play Marbles" from the Licorice Products Co. of Dubuque, Iowa.
  9. The 228 box looks like it probably was designed for 28 marbles.
  10. For example, this is a Peltier No. 16. But I can't remember why I know that since I don't see it in the picture. Maybe I have a photo of another end piece somewhere. Box tops get pictured a lot. The sides not as often.
  11. Saw some early 1900's references for "candy marbles" at Google Books. https://www.google.com/search?tbm=bks&hl=en&q="candy+marbles" Most of the references I'm seeing sound like actual candy -- possibly with unfortunate ingredients (such as soapstone) but not with marbles inside. I wonder if that was the early 1900's name for what are now known as jawbreakers. Skimming google books and in sounds like in the 1800's "jawbreaker" was more likely to refer to big words than to candy.
  12. Check this out: http://books.google.com/books?id=FLTZRAL1WooC&pg=PT18&dq=%22candy+marbles%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=KcIKU4G4OMfyyAHOhYGICA&ved=0CFIQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=marbles&f=false
  13. Another new one on me! Never heard of a marbles championship ring.
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