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Al Oregon

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Everything posted by Al Oregon

  1. Ann - while $25 (plus shipping) is not much to some people, it might be a lot to others. Especially if it is "only" a 32 page book, people might like to know a little more about it before buying it. So, any light you could share that would encourage people to buy the book will help the author cover publishing costs.
  2. Great temperatures and no humidity for you folks east of the Rockies... (and a little cooler than Arizona & New Mexico, etc. (like 20 degrees+ cooler most of the time). Not to mention the great people and even greater marbles (and bags & boxes, I hope).
  3. Here's the pic from Castle & Peterson's book and the short write-up about it. Both titled oddballs. Remember this book was put together in the mid 1990's when cat's-eyes were just starting to be looked at. They did their research, which was very thorough at the time but they did not have all the great information that has come out since.
  4. They also had a few marbles bags that never made it to the online catalog but they sent me pics and I got three - Vitro Whities Shooters bag, Red Horse Mesh Bag and one of the Pressman Santa Claus Stocking bags - looking forward to seeing them.
  5. Thanks for sharing and it is nice to read about a family's interest in marbles. I have some bags in my collection that bear the Stutsman name and probably a catalog or two somewhere.
  6. Have a great day! Weather is good down here - hope it is up there, too!
  7. Neat item - good piece of history! Brian would want that, if he doesn't already have one.
  8. Others pics from 2005 time frame - not sure who posted them.
  9. Just pictures that I have saved but they are definitely from Scott Patrick. First couple groups from 2000 that Jerry Gaiser (remember him?) posted.
  10. The original marble pictured, if it is in the range of 5/8 inch diameter, would be a basic game marble made by several companies for games like Chinese Checkers. A lot of them do have cool patterns even though they are supposed to be a basic one color, usually opaque, marble. Many are not opaque, especially ones from Vitro, but they are still game marbles. Here's a pic of some odd Vitro game marbles.
  11. They do remind me of aircraft carriers...
  12. I just remembered to make my room reservation today. I'll be there on the 13th.
  13. Wow, that was great that they thought of you two! If you are going to have your $$ box at the Seattle Show, charge admission to your room - that will help bolster the IAMC finances...!
  14. Great information! Thanks for researching it.
  15. Sounds like a great time! Even though you are working, I'm sure it is relaxing, too! Enjoy it all!
  16. I always enjoyed visiting with Bruce. He will be missed. God bless.
  17. Thanks, Ron. I wasn't sure so glad you chimed in. I agree with the mixing of old handmades and a bag in the same lot. Strange thinking.
  18. Thanks for posting those box picture Hansel. Great source of info. I know George has done a lot of research and Joe's site helps get information out to us also.
  19. Good info - MFC's in Akro boxes have been mentioned before - can't remember a picture before.
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