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Akro Chocolate Oxblood?


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I have this marble that I’ve always thought was an Akro Agate Chocolate Oxblood Marble. But I’m not entirely sure and sometimes think it could be a Master Marble. But what makes an Akro agate marble a Chocolate Oxblood?


This one has a tan or beige patch and a rich oxblood colored semi translucent base. Measures 0.65” inches in diameter.

Any thoughts are much appreciated. 










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5 minutes ago, Fire1981 said:

Didn’t Brian Graham make some chocolate ox blood marbles about 15 years ? 

I am not sure what the term "chocolate oxblood" describes other than Akro marbles like Bill's. But I'd be happy to learn more about it.

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4 hours ago, mibcapper said:

i've seen darker bases but , for me, i would want a .. milk chocolate ... with this lighter base. as cullet shows. 3/4 " ...my preferance. bill

akro-choc.- sparks 002.jpg

chocolate ox 003.jpg

Wow 👏 👌....beautiful specimen 💥💥💥🤤...mine has seen some aggies....lol


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Chocolate colored base with oxbood.   Oxblood is a shade of red, not brown.   Bill's examples are Akro Chocolate Oxblood. Which is chocolate color and oxblood color. They will not mix to make a new different color.  Glass colors will not mix like paint to make a new different color. 

Just what they should look like.  Without any stretch, no 7th times removed cousin in the family.   The true thing is rare and valuable, this is why they have high value.  

I don't know if I have ever heard of or seen chocolate oxbood ??    Chocolate and oxblood are two separate colors.  

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14 minutes ago, Tommy said:

.mine has seen some aggies....lol


It's still a great find, Tommy. I think the only one I've ever had in hand was Bill's and he probably made me turn my pockets inside out before he let me touch it.

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2 hours ago, Chad G. said:

A lucky find Tommy, even in the shape it is a very desirable Akro :thup:   What is the size on yours ??

Also a 3/4 shooter....thanks everyone this was with my original mibs from my uncle. A special mib ...:D ..needs a friend like Bill's.....lol

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Sorry Joe, thanks for your patience. Your OP sorta got lost in the shuffle. But you've been around long enough to know these things happen occasionally- marble collectors, you gotta love 'em. 🙂

Anywho, I am leaning slightly toward Akro on your marble, mainly because of the pumpkin colored patch. It would be nice to see what the interior looks like, though. Can you get any light through it?

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4 hours ago, Ric said:

Sorry Joe, thanks for your patience. Your OP sorta got lost in the shuffle. But you've been around long enough to know these things happen occasionally- marble collectors, you gotta love 'em. 🙂

Anywho, I am leaning slightly toward Akro on your marble, mainly because of the pumpkin colored patch. It would be nice to see what the interior looks like, though. Can you get any light through it?

I can get light through it but very little. However, with this minimal light you can see a matrix within the interior. But I wasn’t able to further dissect it. When I get home I’m going to get a good pic of the interior and maybe that will help figure this one out. It’s a nice fat juicy marble that sure looks like a higher end piece…

…and yes I do love marble Collectors. We are a rare breed. But we are also a superior breed here’s why…Through marble collecting we’ve trained ourself to see the smallest of differences and minuscule details in everything. Plus, marble heads like us know what applied passion feels like along with its role in being a success. Next,,,If you’ve misidentified a marble publicly it’s almost a given you’ve perfected the serpentine to assist in evading the Marble police’ Furthermore this perfected running of the “S” adds to your survivability skills in crisis situations like a Zombie Apocalypse. Lastly, another multipurpose tool we Marble Heads develop, an off the charts “Titer” level. With this no PGM grown  immunity booster you’ll never feel like a goat by assuming anything is an Akro just because it’s in a bag with other Akros. Plus you’ll lose that blind faith in a marble being a superman Corkscrew on facts merely obtained from a few pictures. With this loss of assumption you won’t have your Superman Daydream popped by a yellow, red and blue 6-van imported Catseye with a talent for refracting light……In other words marble collectors are superior with built in super powers. With this uniquely acquired skill set we can take on any problem and beat that sucker down all with the ninja like upgrades that came to fruition because of our love for marbles.

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18 hours ago, Greeneyesgreenthumbs said:

I can get light through it but very little. However, with this minimal light you can see a matrix within the interior. But I wasn’t able to further dissect it. When I get home I’m going to get a good pic of the interior and maybe that will help figure this one out. It’s a nice fat juicy marble that sure looks like a higher end piece…

…and yes I do love marble Collectors. We are a rare breed. But we are also a superior breed here’s why…Through marble collecting we’ve trained ourself to see the smallest of differences and minuscule details in everything. Plus, marble heads like us know what applied passion feels like along with its role in being a success. Next,,,If you’ve misidentified a marble publicly it’s almost a given you’ve perfected the serpentine to assist in evading the Marble police’ Furthermore this perfected running of the “S” adds to your survivability skills in crisis situations like a Zombie Apocalypse. Lastly, another multipurpose tool we Marble Heads develop, an off the charts “Titer” level. With this no PGM grown  immunity booster you’ll never feel like a goat by assuming anything is an Akro just because it’s in a bag with other Akros. Plus you’ll lose that blind faith in a marble being a superman Corkscrew on facts merely obtained from a few pictures. With this loss of assumption you won’t have your Superman Daydream popped by a yellow, red and blue 6-van imported Catseye with a talent for refracting light……In other words marble collectors are superior with built in super powers. With this uniquely acquired skill set we can take on any problem and beat that sucker down all with the ninja like upgrades that came to fruition because of our love for marbles.

Justice League, Avengers, X-Men.....BEWARE. 🦸‍♀️ 🦹‍♂️ 🦸‍♂️ 🦹‍♀️

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Akro "Chocolate Oxblood", as i have known it for years, which came from the early Amanna Colonies marble shows. This (for me) was a chocolate brown base with a (patch) of oxblood on it. (Many) Akro patches came from Akro, in every direction you can think of. This example (could be) an early proto type they were trying to make, who knows? It is kinda like the Akro "Crows" many talk about. If they were dug only a few know this. I have learned about these in the early 80s.  In (conclusion) i do (THINK) they were a production marble unless some one can say otherwise. Chuck G---

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I think the original marble is a Master and no oxblood.  Not one thing with the original marble points to Akro.  Another case of, we want to make our marbles into something more valuable than they are . We all do it, it is natural. When you are not sure, find out. But a open mind has to be ready to receive the info. Find out from different sources and then make your own decision.  Even then, later with new and or more accurate information things may change.  After 25+ years I am still learning about marbles every week of every year. We forget there were millions made per week by several companies for many years. I will never see every example, even pictures of every marble made by any single machine made company.  I will never get all my questions answered for any single machine made company.  

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I agree that the OP is a Master Made Marble---no Oxblood. I also agree with most of what has been posted.
This is a great thread that you started Greeneyesgreenthumbs. 
You just never know where a thread will end up—keep it coming; we all love it—really!
I also can understand the confusion regarding “Chocolate Oxblood”. A good point of reference is in this post by Cheese on 2/4 in the Akro Friday thread. It is a “Blue Oxblood” imho.
Great images by the way Cheese!
Oxblood may look like it is brown under certain circumstances. In the case above posted by Cheese it is covered with a dark blue/gray semi-transparent color (I guess blue/gray over oxblood makes brown).
That being said; these blue oxbloods will sometimes display the Oxblood in hand, without a hard light on them and the Ox does look brown when it does but the blue/gray is always involved.
 It would be a rare example but it can cause confusion. Usually these need hard light to get the oxblood to show but not always—just a production thing I imagine.
Oxblood is red with many variations in shades, dark to light, fresh Oxblood to dried Oxblood. It can be “covered “ with other colors, but it is not a color that bleeds or runs----Oxblood is what it is and it stands by itself, it usually a very delicate color in terms of damage vs. most others. 
A mint marble containing Oxblood or a mint “Brick” is a very nice find; it chips/breaks pretty easily as opposed to other colors. I cannot recall any oxblood displaying a subsurface moon, it just cuts loose.

As always---

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