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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Master at top. Two Akros on the other end. For the 2nd marble, my first thought was Master but now I am leaning Akro because of that one straight long seam.
  2. Can't see all the detail of the seam on the last one but still gonna go with a simple "yes"
  3. Oh no ... I am so behind again. Several missing runs which I need to add in but I won't let that stop me from posting this Holiday 2019 run, the last of the year. Bright lights do amazing things with these. I used a flash here. Sun was already gone when I got the mail and I'll be at work over the weekend, and I just didn't want to wait for the next sunshine opportunity. So I used the flash and it brought out colors I hadn't seen in my lamplit living room. There's a mist of lutz on several.
  4. (If from Mexico, then it would be from the Vacor company and they didn't call it "confetti". But that's the popular name for that style.)
  5. Hi. Welcome. That's a "confetti" style of marble. It's modern and not from the U.S. Could be from Asia or Mexico.
  6. Day 6 ... For Christmas pudding we have spotted dick! I'm uncertain on the swirl ... I don't recognize the texture of the base glass. It comes across as tan but it is also clear with sort of wispy and/or filamented ribbons in it. Is that a Ravenswood thing? Is it Alley in spite of being tan?
  7. I'm going to go with St. Marys Alley. 1940's.
  8. Not sure on the green. The rest appear to be Vitro Conquerors. Does the base fluoresce under blacklight on the green?
  9. A 3/4" shooter? Closer to an inch? I'm leaning toward Jabo. If 3/4", then other views in other lighting could possibly change my mind. If closer to 1", then I'll probably stick with Jabo with an outside chance of Alley.
  10. I am totally unaware of a marble named "bubble gum".
  11. This view says Peltier Rainbo. @bumblebee, would you like to field the question about the value of stone marbles?
  12. Curious about the upper left. Thinking an earlier Vitro ... or a Peltier.
  13. Yeah, my first thought on the first one was a resounding "Champion" but I really didn't have any other images to back that thought up so I didn't say. And thank you. You too.
  14. Wondering about Christensen American Agate on the last ... but those are uncommon so it could be wishful thinking.
  15. The second has a nice Akro design -- trying to remember if purply black is an Akro thing.
  16. The first does have a long, straight seam which points me away from Master. But what to? I don't know. Akro? Pelt? Vitro? Japanese?
  17. For me the post sometimes takes a long time to get done "saving". At those times I refrain from clicking again in case that causes the extra postings. But that's just a guess about a cause ... I don't know.
  18. Steph


    Yes, those are lashes. And it looks Akro to me.
  19. If I didn't have the daily photo requirement to keep me on the strait and narrow they'd all be open!
  20. From this view this looks like a West Virginia swirl, but if it came from the group pictured at the top, then it could be a Peltier Rainbo. More views could decide.
  21. Vitro Agate, Conqueror family
  22. Peltier Zebra, late 1920's to early 1930's.
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