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how do you spend your time

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Today we started by washing the kitchen & dining room tile floor, a 3 hour job, then I counted my marbles- found I have 925 of them, saw many were dirty-ish, so started washing them. Now it's lunch time, with the afternoon to fill- we've worn our brains out being creative, worn our friends out with phone calls & the only part of the house that hasn't been cleaned is the garage. I've about read every chat in  the Marble Connection, but sitting at the computer reading is broadened more of me then my knowledge. I use to like challenges, but this "shelter-in-place" is really outside the box! How are you all coping?  Be safe, Bonniemarbles

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I almost sewed a button on yesterday!  LOL.  But it turned out the shirt needed three buttons and I only had two spare ones.  I might yet sew on a button before this week is out.

I cut up some some old items for a rag bag.  I used some of them to clean.

I'm going to write letters sometime in the next three days.  Have been planning them in my head.

I have started my garden by a window in the attic.  It's so very cold outside yet.  

I've done some running -- ran 4.4 miles one evening.  A personal record.

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I'm retired so I'm doing mostly what I would do anyway; yard work, working at my lathe, walking, going thru my collections etc. It's  harder on my wife 'cause she's the one that's goin' all the time. I have an idea to beat the doldrums but I'll post it on another thread 'cause it will   need a lot of input.


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No doldrums here. More to do than I can possibly get done in years. A 200 acre hillside farm and woods always with something to do here. I live alone . So not a big change here. A few less trips to town and no travel to marble shows. Just cutting brush and trees, moving dirt, cleaning streams, before it gets hot. Phone calls and emails weekly checking on family and friends. DSC05779.JPG.2a99a032661596a17350dec4a4ecc710.JPGDSC05761.JPG.a1dab04395253532e2b6dc006a670cfe.JPGDSC05763.JPG.0a865a81e265331c71de255b0995b687.JPG

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Oh my goodness!  With 200 acres (Vrons), "sheltering in place" is just another day in nature!  For me, condo living in covid times is a challenge, but I kind of live in a basement now so I'm somewhat isolated from everyone else, except for the laundry room.  I just do laundry when everyone is asleep to stay out of people's way.  Btw, I'm impressed with the 4+ miles that Steph could do!  So, aside from my two senior cats keeping me busy with their special needs, I've been playing my flute and piano more. I can finally memorize a couple of pieces, mistakes and all! LOL.  So between songs I'm eating one M&M every 3 minutes rather than 3 of the them every one minute.  Made a few face masks since it is almost impossible to get them online or at the stores. I did put my marbles in those tiny little ziplock bags and put the ones that I could identify in separate boxes and found out that I didn't have as many akros as I thought I had.  Also, everyday is a Saturday, especially since I'm retired.  (Not liking that feeling with this covid thing.) Anyway, not much happening here. Sorry to bore you all.  Thanks for letting me post! Stay safe!

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 Bonniemarbles, your cleaning frenzy is inspiring. I just keep moving piles from one place to the other. Your place looks great, WVron. Are there fish in the pond?  Ron, for a little local interest, any idea what's going on beside Ripley
Walmart? Someone cleared a lot of hillside this week. Steph, I am impressed with the 4.4 miles. I used to run. 35 years ago, but who's keeping track.   I've been hiking on the property and actually found 10 morel mushrooms last week. Only found 1 in my life before that. I have a hundred acres here and like Ron said, there is always something to do. Could clear autumn olive for the rest of my life and not get done. The problem is my energy, mental and physical, runs out before the to do list. I will say it's been a beautiful Spring. The lilac, quince and redbud have been blooming for weeks. Dogwood is going strong now. I would love to go to the beach, but won't. That would really be nice though.

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Not many fish in the pond anymore. It did have nice bass, but it is to shallow now.  I saw the clear cutting near Walmart. I have no idea why. My highest hope would be for a Lowes. But I doubt there is enough room.  I hate autumn olive. Cut it and it will double or triple if you do not use the correct spray. Autumn Olive is the worst thing  to hit this farm in my lifetime. I live on Trace Fork Rd. 

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I can relate, Marbleized, as another senior retiree living in a condo, weekends are just another day, unfortunately, especially now for us sports fans ☹️ Groundhog Day was always a favorite movie but now that I’m living it it’s more difficult than I thought. I miss my family and friends. We had just leased a new car - our old one died the day before my hip replacement surgery three months ago, perfect timing 😝 - and had planned to go visiting a lot more by now, do some traveling - ha! “Life is what happens while other plans are being made.” Always. I read, I cook - I’m the chef for two of us, my lovely wife of 47 years - I bake (best brownies and homemade granola in the city,) I garden as much as my joints arthritis let me, and marble a bit. Watch too much TV of course, and sleep too little.

And that new car, now two months old, still has less than 400 miles on it. 

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Over the winter, I was thinking that I might be ready for a Condo. It has turned out to be a blessing to be "stuck on the farm". Getting outside has made this almost bearable. Today was very productive as I finished off that bag of chocolate peanuts. Royal3, any chance of sharing the granola recipe? Love it as cereal, not so much dry. And Ron, a Lowes would be wonderful. I can find what I need usually with stops at 2 hardware stores, TSC and Walmart, but Lowes would be great. Anything besides an auto parts store or pizza shop, would be nice. I live in Mason County off of Gunville Ridge. 

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On 4/26/2020 at 11:02 PM, Woodse said:

Over the winter, I was thinking that I might be ready for a Condo. It has turned out to be a blessing to be "stuck on the farm". Getting outside has made this almost bearable. Today was very productive as I finished off that bag of chocolate peanuts. Royal3, any chance of sharing the granola recipe? Love it as cereal, not so much dry. And Ron, a Lowes would be wonderful. I can find what I need usually with stops at 2 hardware stores, TSC and Walmart, but Lowes would be great. Anything besides an auto parts store or pizza shop, would be nice. I live in Mason County off of Gunville Ridge. 

Hey Woodse, I just posted the granola recipe in the “What Are You Eating?” forum here on the board. It does have one somewhat uncommon ingredient, barley malt syrup, but it’s available from King Arthur Flour and Amazon that I know of and makes a big difference in flavor and I think crunch, too. I’ve used it in granola for years. Hope you enjoy it! 

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Doing more unpacking and disposal of things which were left undone since our move three years ago.  

Found some puzzles I had worked on and then stored in the old attic about 15 years ago.  Was making progress  until ..... 


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We finally got out to the local nursery for plants, Tomatoes, blueberries and raspberry bushes, plus a lot of annuals.
Home Depot is restricting customers based on some density number. Guy counts people leaving, then another let’s the same number in. Less than 1 person per aisle based on walking thru🤯 

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I guess my cats have been keeping me busier than I thought.  I missed a whole bunch of posts.  I've got to look for Royal3's granola recipe on this site.  Anything malt sounds good to me.  My husband loves King Arthur flour.  It makes so much of a difference for breads and pizza crust.  He is the chef in the house.  I'm the zookeeper.  You folks with the acres of land are so fortunate right now.  So much to keep you busy. I need to look up autumn olive.  Sounds nasty.  And, I have to say, Bibi (Steph's cat) is sooooooooo adorable.  Cats are masters at getting attention.  One of my cats comes to sit on my piano keys to make me stop.  I'm not so sure if he wants attention or if he just wants me to stop.  Talking about cars, Woodse, gas is really cheap, but there is no where to go.  Sounds like everyone is doing well, considering the circumstances.  I'm staring at my marbles and thinking that maybe I will post something in the gallery one day.  Take care everyone.

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