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Al Oregon

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Everything posted by Al Oregon

  1. Here's a pic of a smaller bag that I have.
  2. Good follow-up, Steph, after almost 3 years of persistence!!
  3. I think David is trying to equate this 'broken cork' with a true cork. Maybe 'overthinking' a little. Obviously most of us have heard the term 'broken cork' for the Peltiers, usually NLR's, where the ribbons line up and form an inadvertent corkscrew pattern - hence the 'broken cork' since the seams in the Pelt 'break up' the pattern a little. There's no reason why we can't describe Ric's MK in the same manner. Ric knows his marbles so if he says the MK has the same type of 'broken cork' pattern as the Peltier one then.... So a new species - 'ricmkbrokecork'
  4. I heard from one attendee that the handmades did very well for the sellers. A couple buyers spent in the high 4 figure range + and there was at least one absentee bidder that got a lot of them, too. The machine mades did not do as well so there were some deals. No specifics - just generalities.
  5. I've never looked for those. Interesting - probably could sell as a Peltier broken cork on eBay and get 'big' bucks...LOL!
  6. Bob does do a great job on the newsletters! That was a nice read on the interview - including some little known facts about Dave. Hurry and join and maybe Bob will have a newsletter or two left over to mail to a new member...
  7. Ron - I have not seen any pictures of any Challenger mesh bags. I do have a pic of a Challenger polybag of 100 but just the backside - not sure where from. It could have MK on the other side of the header since it is the checkerboard style but it also could say glass marbles or....? Here's the pic.
  8. I had mentioned some years ago that it appeared that Berry Pink used the Marble King name well prior to the founding of Marble King Co. in 1949. From pic above with Berry Pink and the boxers showing the Marble King Mesh bags, that pretty much confirms it. So, we wondered why Marble King had mesh bags when they started (and maybe they did still have some) but it looks like we are breaking those Marble King mesh bags into two categories - Jobber bags (by Berry Pink) and MK Company bags. That also explains anothe connection of Berry Pink jobbering Peltier marbles in those bags with Marble king name. After all, he was the "Marble King". And, appropriately so, named the new company after his nickname. By the way Steph, does the larger detail pic you have give any clue as to the type of marbles in the mesh bags?
  9. More great boxes - good pics, too!
  10. Nice box and some neat marbles in that last pic.
  11. Al Oregon


    OK - my turn. The opaque Whities are the "original" Whities. Those are the ones found in Vitro packaging and they are opaque with maybe a rare exception. I have attached a pic of a Whities bag. I have not seen trnsparent Whities in packaging except as noted by Chuck below. I have attached a pic of those also. There are some transparent "Whities" that are technically Tiger Eye variants. Chuck (Vitro expert, if there is such a thing) said it best in an email back in 2008. Here's what he said: Subject: TRANSPARENT WHITIE Randy is absolutely correct when he says that these marbles were made at the same time, using the same production methods and the exact same colors as Tiger Eyes (type 1). Therefore, it is reasonable to call them a Tiger Eye Variation. However, some of us still prefer to call them Transparent Whities because that is what they look like. These marbles are a distinct variation on the Tiger Eye probably made for a specific purpose. I believe that I know why they were made (Randy agrees with me). We have noticed that these marbles are almost never found in original Vitro packaging; but, they are common enough that they must have received a large distribution. Diane & I have over 50 cereal premiums in small packages in cellophane or poly with from 2 to 16 marbles each that are Vitro, Marble King, Peltier or Alley (& maybe Champion). When they include Vitro marbles, about 75% of the time, the marbles are Transparent Whities (Tiger Eye Variants). These cereal premiums were made in huge quantities in the 1950-60's. Randy & I surmise that Vitro made these marbles because they were slightly cheaper to produce giving Vitro a slight advantage in that hugely competitive market. ------------------------- Back to Al: Remember, with Whities, we are mainly talking about a white marble, either opaque or veneered, with a colored ribbon (pair of ribbons) that go around the middle. There are a lot of marbles out there that can look similar (even some odd MK's) and other patches. I think Edna even had named some "anti-Whities" in the past.
  12. Now those are unique - nothing like the other runs!
  13. The WVMCC Show at Mineral Wells is May 14th. I think the Cairo show is within a week of this one.
  14. Yup, that was great to hear! One of the few times that marbles are mentioned with regards to collegiate sports - go Aggies (both marbles & A&M!!!)
  15. Ahhh, good idea. And, that reminds me of the marbles made from glass that Pete sold that were irradiated at Hanford.
  16. I'd be very surprised if Vacor (or Selectas Fabricas) would do something like that. They are very protective of their marble making plant in Guadalajara. It took a local connection and approval from the main boss there before my wife and I were able to tour the plant a year and a half ago. They were very concerned about spies, their processes, etc. No cameras or cellphones were allowed, etc. Of course, there are other marble making plants in Mexico so maybe some of them would be willing for the $$$. However, in answering the question, the only way it would make sense to me is if Jabo was not willing to allow the groups to do that anymore and they had to find another place. My suggestion is to let Steve Sturtz buy Jabo with all the money he has and then let the groups go forward.
  17. Also, don't plan on just going to the show on Saturday. The best way to learn, and have a lot of fun, is to come a day or two before at the hotel and get involved with the "in room trafing" part of the event. Collectors leave their doors open when they want visitors and you can go from room to room asking questions, getting ID's, looking at great marbles, buying, selling and trading or just good old visiting with a great bunch of people. Look forward to meeting you.
  18. I'll have to compare those to the ones I got when visiting Jabo just before the WVMCC Parkersburg Show that spring. I even got some 'special' ones from that run from Dave (and some peewees, too).
  19. Of course I don't know who Steve was calling "old" - maybe D.M.? But, there are a couple other birthdays - one on Wed. (Smitty turning a 'big' #) and one on Thur. - Ric just getting a little older. Happy birthday to all!
  20. Neat - great experience for Joseph (and grandmother...)
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